ESM working group: Meeting notes 2024

Date: 24/10/2024

Participants: 12

Chair: @tiloz

1. Opening and Welcome:

  • There are no speakers confirmed for future meetings. Please consider presenting, or inviting a colleague to present. Members are encouraged to reach out to any co-chair or @spencerwong if they are interested in presenting.
  • Future scientific presentations do not need to be fully polished; works in progress or discussion-based topics are welcome.
  • Add any items they want to discuss to the working group agenda via the topic on the forum.

2. Meeting Structure and Frequency:

  • Regular Meetings: Difficulty in finding speakers for a meeting every fortnight was noted, and updates to the structure of the ESM WG meetings were brought up. Suggestions include:
    • Introducing a regular CMIP7 focussed discussion every second meeting, led by @RachelLaw, to keep the community up to date with plans and progress. This could begin from the next meeting on November 7.
    • Science presentations could be held on alternate meetings, so that a presentation would occur once per month.
    • Meetings could contain open discussions on technical issues, where for example students and post docs having trouble with the models could get help from the community. Ideas for discussions can be put forward in this Hive Forum topic.
    • Cross-working group interactions. The ESM working group interests overlap with many of other working groups, and there may be opportunities to hold combined meetings wth them. Interaction/collaboration with the Model Evaluation group would be of interest in particular for the lead up to CMIP7. There’s also overlap with the domain specific working groups such as land, ocean, and atmosphere.
    • Reaching out to more research groups, students and postdocs who are using the model and model data.

3. Shared experiments/ACCESS-NRI resources

  • ESM project lg87 has used ~200 KSU of its 875 KSU allocation for this quarter. /g/data storage steady at 35TB
  • Should be sufficient for current users, doesn’t matter if there is some unused.
  • Do you have any proposals for shared experiments? See guidelines for how to do this. There are often used resources we can access if there are projects to use them.

4. Speaker
@Harun_Rashid: “Assessment of ENSO simulations in large ensembles through process evaluations and understanding”

[Presentation discussed preliminary work and recording not uploaded]

@Harun_Rashid presented his work on model evaluation using large ensembles to understand features and processes in climate models, specifically focusing on ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation).

Harun discussed the use of correlation matrices across models to explore interrelationships between climate statistics and how these can help in understanding model biases and improving model tuning, and presented results for the CMIP6 historical ensembles, and ACCESS-CM2’s historical ensemble.

5. Access ESM 1.5 Updates:

  • Orbital Parameters: @spencerwong mentioned a new pre-release of Access ESM 1.5 that includes the capability to change orbital parameters at runtime. Details on the pre-release are available on this forum topic. A demo of setting up the new executables will be run at the next meeting.

Action Items

  • Next Meeting Agenda: Include a discussion on CMIP7 fast track organised by @RachelLaw and an update on Access ESM 1.5 from @spencerwong.

These notes were generated automatically by AI. If you notice any errors or omissions please feel free to modify directly, or message @spencerwong.

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