ESMValTool-workflow Training

ESMValTool-workflow Training

A series of introductory training videos supporting the ACCESS-NRI initial release of ESMValTool-workflow (v1.0) is available online through this link.

Users are encouraged to watch this series of videos, try using ESMValTool with their own data and/or NCI data collections, and then bring questions to an online drop-in session on Friday 8 December. Registration details for the online drop-in session will be announced here when they are finalised in the week of 20-24 November.

ACCESS-NRI will publish the next videos in the ESMValTool training series in December-January (dates to be confirmed). A second ESMValTool online drop-in session covering more advanced usage and topics is tentatively scheduled for Friday 16 February 2024. Details of the next training video series and online session will be announced in January.

Useful Links for ESMValTool

· ACCESS-NRI/ESMValTool-workflow github repository and recipes’ live status

· ESMValTool Main Page

· ESMValTool Documentation

· ESMValTool Tutorial

· ESMValGroup Github Organisation

· ESMValTool Reference papers



Four new ESMValTool training videos have been added to the ESMValTool Playlist in Youtube including:

  1. CMORizing
  2. Data Management
  3. Debugging
  4. Visual studio code Worksflow for Gadi.