Follow-up and resources from the hackathon

Thank you to everyone who attended the hackathon last week - we appreciate your energy and input! :tada: Below we link to a few key resources from the event.


Link to notes taken during general sessions (thanks to Sramana, Dhruv, and Aditya for these excellent notes! :clap:)

Link to a summary of all the breakout group notes (collated in a single document)

Link to CMIP7 Hackathon GitHub repository. In the docs folder, you will find useful references including:

  • slides that Romain presented at the hackathon
  • hackathon agenda and breakout group discussion templates
  • suggested evaluation activities
  • guides to setting up your computer to use ESMValTool on Gadi
  • ESMValTool cheatsheet
  • a list of useful links when using ESMValTool

If there are other resources you would like, please feel free to reply to this post.