Help build the CMIP7 Data Request: Phase 1 Community Consultation

Please see below for an opportunity to suggest priority variables to be outputted as part of CMIP7.

Details of how to contribute are provided in the text below and include:

  1. direct input via Airtable forms (see links below) or
  2. by engaging with authors from the five author teams. @VanessaHernaman from CSIRO is on the “Impacts and Adaptation” author team and is happy to be contacted about any of this, or you can contact any of the authors from the five themes (full author list at link below).

Please circulate this widely to ensure we have input from all communities to this Data Request.

In responses to the CMIP6 Survey, many users raised that they found the CMIP6 Data Request to be too complex with too little documentation. However, the value in a consistent Data Request was also commonly highlighted.

The Data Request Task Team have developed an activity that works with community representatives to devise a controlled list of high priority variables that facilitate the majority of user needs. They proposed a new Data Request structure consisting of three parts: the Core, Harmonised, and Unharmonised request. Five thematic author teams have been established to develop the controlled list of high priority variables through an IPO-supported and Data Request Task Team coordinated paper writing process, with co-authors representing major stakeholders of each theme.

How can I contribute?

There will be three phases of public consultation. In this Phase 1 consultation community members can engage with author teams, as well as input directly using Airtable forms. There are two key ways to input – submitting proposals and adding comments. For full details of how to contribute please read the Public Consultation webpage and the Phase 1 consultation supporting information.

When do I need to contribute by?

This is an in-real-time consultation. Community members with input are advised to do so as early as possible.

  • Real-time consultation will remain open until 8th September .
  • Author meetings will take place during the week of 9th September to finalise decisions.
  • Sprint in mid-September – finalise all cross-thematic decisions and possible trigger of further author team prioritisation on decisions if the list is still too long.
  • Within 2 weeks of the end of the sprint - finalise and issue the first version of the Data Request.

Who are the author teams?

All appointed authors can be viewed here. There are working across five thematic groups:

  1. Atmosphere
  2. Earth system
  3. Impacts and adaptation
  4. Land and land-ice
  5. Ocean and sea-ice

I can add that I am on the Atmosphere author team so will happily answer questions from that perspective!