Land diagnostic outputs from ACCESS-3

As the development of ACCESS-3 progresses we would like to ensure that the community needs for CABLE-based land diagnostics can be met. There have been requests for additional, non-published, outputs from ACCESS-ESM1.5 and CM2 that were unable to be met from either the published CMOR data or via post-processing other output.

If you, or your research networks, know of any ‘missing land fields’ from ACCESS-ESM or ACCESS-CM2 that would assist your research please add to the list below (and/or reply to this post). Please provide sufficient information (e.g. cable variable name, CMOR name) so that we can identify what is being requested.

Note we cannot guarantee that all requests can be met - CABLE may not include those variables nor the relevant capability; equally there may not the technical connections in the codebase between CABLE and ACCESS to facilitate production of outputs. Some diagnostics may require additional adjustments in the post-processing/CMORisation steps.

We will update this post with status updates over time.

List of known ‘missing’ variables, for example

  • transpiration - CMOR variable tran
  • soil evaporation - CMOR variable evspsblsoi
  • total water flux from vegetation - CMOR variable evspspblveg
  • interception evaporation - CMOR variable ec
  • bare soil evaporation - CMOR variable es
  • potential evapotranspiration - CMOR variable evspsblpot
  • absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR)
  • fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR)
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runoff variables would be useful and could provide river forcing for ocean models

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@CloLanglais - could we clarify/check what you discussing? I suspect that the information is already provided - and it is our intention to ensure that equivalent fields are provided as part of CM3/ESM3 - but I may have misunderstood.

Both ACCESS-ESM1.5 and ACCESS-CM2 provide gridded runoff information via CMOR variables mrro (total = surface+deep drainage) and mrros (surface runoff). These are available at different time resolutions (monthly or daily averages) for most (all?) simulations under directories Lmon or day under the respective sections on project fs38 on the NCI.

River outflow into the ocean is also available from both models as CMOR variable friver at monthly time resolutions (directory Omon). However note that friver is provided aligned to the river model grid (1x1 degree) and this differs to the UM/land grid.

Additionally - notes of caution - i) in order to better satisfy the technical requirements of global conservation of water, river outflow in CM2 is scaled globally to balance net water added/lost elsewhere in the terrestrial system (evaporation from lakes, inland water basins). This is typically a small effect - but conceptually it does imply that runoff integrated over a catchment may not equal river outflow. ii) water conservation/runoff from the ice regions is complicated by the iceberg schemes - these differ between ESM1.5 and CM2.