Land Working Group Announce 2024 (Archive)


Land Community Working Group Workshop

A reminder that our annual working group workshop is coming up on 9-10 October in Canberra. Register before 25th September.

Land Working Group Meeting

** For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below **


  1. Time to propose sessions for AMOS:
    Deadline: 25th September
    It would be good to have new ECRs organising the sessions (good for the CVs).

  2. Workshop preparation. The second day of the workshop is a hands-on format. To prepare for it, we would like to collate a list of the ancillaries required by CABLE and JULES beforehand and list some datasets for those that:

    • people are already using and think are good
    • or ones that people think we could or should be using

Useful links

Land working group meeting 1st October

Given that we are meeting next week at the workshop we will cancel this weekā€™s LWG meeting - apologies for the late notice.

Information relating to the workshop will be sent to participants by the NRI shortly and uploaded onto the hive-forum - see the post here. The information pack includes a request to complete 3 small pieces of pre-work. In place of our regular meeting it would be great if you could take some time to consider and complete those tasks.

Useful links

Land working group 15th October
We will be convening our regular land working group meeting on Tuesday 1:30pm AEST. The primary focus will be to follow up from the workshop this past week - but as usual please use the opportunity to raise other topics of interest. Please note that the meeting is at the usual time - there are reports that the meeting invite hasnā€™t updated to daylight savings properly on some IT systems.


  • Workshop debrief - highlights, lowlights, what worked? what didnā€™t? Timing relative to main ACCESS-NRI workshop.
  • Workshop: Next steps
  • AOB

Useful links

Notes from the meeting:

  1. Our intent is to regularly follow up on matters arising from the Land WG workshop in these regular WG meeting. Issues related to the ongoing development of shared ancillaries, meteorological forcing and configurations will be a key topic.
  2. We would like the community to indicate their preference for priorities for the development land models based on the padlet created during the workshop. Please review the [model developments] suggested ( and indicate your choices by adding up to 5 hearts. Note that if you think that one suggestion is really, really important you can add more than one heart to a particular topic. We will review/combine suggestions at a later date.

The next working group meeting is scheduled for the 5th November - however this coincides with a meeting of the 21st Century Weather CRC. Please keep an eye out for announcements as to whether the land WG meeting will go ahead.

A follow up note on the date of next meeting: the 5th November is also Melbourne Cup day meaning that the Melbourne based members of the community will be on holiday (reducing numbers further).


the working group meeting for tomorrow is cancelled because it is a public holiday in Victoria and the CLEX workshop is happening this week.

Next meeting in two weeks: 19th November 2024.


Land Working Group meeting

** For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below **


  1. Co-chairs renewal. Some of the co-chairs for the working group want to step down soon. We are looking for applicants for the position. (@clairecarouge )
  2. ACCESS simulations are showing large sensitivity of carbon fluxes to root distribution so a broader discussion might be interesting. Are offline runs similarly sensitive? How does JULES deal with root distribution? Are there more recent datasets/parameterisations than currently used in CABLE (Jackson et al., 1996). (@RachelLaw)
  3. Please read through the proposal put forward by Romain about communication on model evaluation: Enhancing Model Evaluation Feedback Mechanisms for the ACCESS Community
    We would like to put in a consolidated feedback from the land working group. (@clairecarouge )
  4. Follow up on workshop outcome (@clairecarouge )

Useful links


As discussed at the last meeting, if you have some interest in applying for a co-chair role in the land working group, you can read the terms of reference for the working groups here.

Please email Ian, Anna and myself if you want to apply.



the meeting notes from our last meeting are here. Our next meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday 3rd December at 1.30pm.

Meeting details

** For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below **


  1. Recording of meeting for automation of meeting notes (@clairecarouge )
  2. Workshop outcome follow-up: Presentation by Mat Lipson (@mlipson) on an ancillary generation workflow for CABLE based on ANTS. Followed by discussion.
  3. Land Working Group meeting schedule for 2025. Do we keep the same schedule (1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 1.30pm)? (@clairecarouge )

Useful links

Archive of the announcements sent to the Land surface modelling Working Group in 2024.