Land working group, meeting minutes 2024

Here are the minutes from the Land modelling working group meeting. If we’ve missed anything you feel is important please feel free to add it below or edit this post (it’s a wiki post).

DATE: 16/04/2024
Attendees: 11

Evaluation follow-up
Bringing Ian and Rachel up to speed. The mix of high-level and detailed analyses is welcome. We need metrics that give a broad view but we also want evaluation that gives some information on processes.

Jiachen wants to run CABLE with urban coupled to the atmosphere at high resolution.
Running coupled to atmosphere is tricky
Might be best to start working in standalone. Need to introduce urban sites in benchcab for testing. It would be useful to have an urban flag to only run on urban sites for some developments. Might be useful to have other flags to filter sites per type (ice, agriculture…)
High-resolution configurations: 5km configuration from Anna.

Available datasets: BARRA2?

Momentum partnership workshop
Claire to get more aware of what is happening with NGMS - JULES as it has implications for the coupling of CABLE to LFRIC in the future.

Recruitment update at ACCESS-NRI
New training team lead: Paige Martin
Acting ocean team lead: Dougie Squire

ACCESS-NRI workshop program committee representative
ACCESS-NRI is looking for representatives of the working group to be part of the ACCESS-NRI workshop program committee.
Tammas has been proposed to represent the land community on the committee. But if anyone is interested in being on the committee, please let @inh599 @aukkola and @clairecarouge know.

MPI support for CABLE

Do we still want to have an MPI implementation? Or do we want simply the capacity of running a bunch of serial runs and combining afterwards? The TRENDY branch has given up on the MPI implementation so we need to decide what we do for the work around BIOS and CABLE4.

  • What about running on GPU?
  • What about lateral flow? It might come soon. Everything we do should take this into account.
  • Whatever we do should be machine-independent
  • Do we need a full MPI implementation or can we do it with a simple MPI setup and parallel I/O for now? Parallel I/O will not be sufficient when lateral flow is introduced.
  • NGMS is looking at coupling JULES to LFRic via a coupler. In this case, CABLE would also use a coupler and would need an MPI implementation of some sort.