(Claire Carouge, ACCESS-NRI Land Modelling Team Lead)
This topic is where you can introduce yourself to the other members of the Land Modelling Working Group.
Feel free to put as much information as you like, but it might be good to have a brief introduction to your background, where you are now, specific areas of interest you might have in Land Surface Modelling, and what collaborations you are interested in in the future.
(Claire Carouge, ACCESS-NRI Land Modelling Team Lead)
Hi, I’m Claire. I am a co-chair and the ACCESS-NRI liaison for the Land Modelling Working Group.
I am the team leader for the land modelling team at ACCESS-NRI. We are working to ensure the CABLE and JULES models are easy to use and develop by the community. This means we manage the CABLE repository, set standards and guidelines for developing the CABLE model, define processes to facilitate the adoption of offline developments into the coupled model and develop tools to simplify using the models and following the standards for development.
This Working Group will help my team and me ensure our work is relevant to the land surface modelling community in Australia.
Before joining the ACCESS-NRI, I was leading the CMS team for the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CLEX) and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science (ARCCSS). In this role, I was working on coupling CABLE to WRF and providing support to CLEX and ARCCSS staff. I have been working with various components of climate models (ocean, atmosphere, atmospheric chemistry, land) since 2001.
Hi, I’m Gab and I’ve been working in and around CABLE (and its predecessor CBM) since about 2002. I spend most of my time working on model evaluation. That includes: using machine learning / empirical approaches to better understand what our performance expectations of models should be; use of ensembles, including weighting and bias correction strategies; automated calibration techniques (including what we can learn from model through multiple independent calibration criteria); and efforts to standardise evaluation practices, so we can have faster, more comprehensive evaluation without duplicating effort. To this end, I’ve been leading development of the web application.
I am a Chief Investigator on the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, and am based at UNSW Sydney in the Climate Change Research Centre. I’m keen to a part of the joint development of a CABLE-JULES automated benchmarking framework.