About the Forecasting and Prediction Working Group


This is an exact copy of the Forecasting and Prediction Working Group subcategory about post, which was removed during archiving.

The category contains the working group mailing list, information and activity reports.

Working group purpose

The Forecasting and Prediction Modelling Community Working Group includes researchers from several Australian universities and research institutions who use and co-develop the Australian Community Climate Earth System Model (ACCESS) for their research.

The Working Group comprises data assimilation, numerical weather prediction, seasonal and decadal prediction, as well as machine learning for forecasting. The focus of the group will be on research infrastructure not operational forecasting. Members will be invited to help refine the scope, depending on levels of interest.

The main aims of this group are to:

  • Build communities focussing on common forecast system infrastructure

  • Understand infrastructure needs of the community and advise ACCESS-NRI

  • Provide advice and recommendations to the ACCESS-NRI for how it might support forecasting and prediction modelling into the future

  • Share information on model and suite configurations, experimental design and evaluation

  • Exchange information through regular meetings

  • Provide information to members about training opportunities.


Debbie Hudson, @debbie_h, (co-chair, BoM)
Kim Reid, @kim_reid, (co-chair, CLEX/Monash)
Nathan Eizenberg, @nathan-e, (co-chair, UniMelb)
Martin Dix, @martindix, ACCESS-NRI Liaison:

Category organisation

This category contains all information directly pertinent to the working group: