Forecasting and Prediction Working Group Announce

This topic will be used for announcements to the Forecasting and Prediction Working Group by the leadership team.

For example, we will announce meetings, workshops and events through this topic. There will not be an email list.

You need to watch this topic to receive new announcements via email notifications

To avoid individuals accidentally spamming the whole group, this topic is closed and only the leadership team will be able to post replies. If you have questions check if it has already been asked in the Forecasting and Prediction Category, and if not either open a topic on the forum or reply to the Working Group description topic.

Forecasting and Prediction Working Group Kick-off Meeting

Thursday 2023-05-25T04:00:00Z-15:00 AEST
(click to save to calendar)

Join zoom link

Hi everyone

Please join us for our first Forecasting and Prediction WG meeting.


  1. ACCESS-NRI: background information (Martin Dix)
  2. Introduction to the WG (Debbie Hudson)
  3. Round-table introductions (facilitated by Nathan Eizenberg)
  4. “What do we expect from our WG” discussion session (facilitated by Kim Reid)

Action: for the introduction session, please email one slide to Nathan (

  • Introducing yourself and your work focus
  • Noting one or more points on what you would like to get out of this WG

See here to view current membership of the group. Feel free to encourage others to join the WG and attend our meeting.

Zoom details:

Thursday 25 May, 2pm-3pm

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Password: 451547

Need to dial-in instead? Enter the meeting ID: 894 5980 026[date-range from=2023-05-25T14:00:00 to=2023-05-25T15:00:00 timezone=“Australia/Sydney”]8 via +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 2 8015 6011

Or join from a H.323/SIP room system:

Dial: | or SIP: | or

with meeting ID: 89459800268 and password: 451547

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Our first Forecasting and Prediction working group meeting will be this Thursday at 2-3pm (Melb., Hobart, Sydney time)

Please email me an introduction slide if you’d like to use one! Also okay if you just want to introduce yourself and what you’d like to get out of this working group.

Join zoom link

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FPWG meeting #2: What it means to support ML infrastructure

Thursday 29th June, 2pm-3pm

Hi everyone

Please join us for our second Forecasting and Prediction WG meeting.


The main topic of discussion will be on what it means to support machine learning infrastructure.

  1. Tennessee Leeuwenburg (Bureau) will present his perspectives
  2. Open discussion on ML infrastructure
  3. Suite support thread on Hive (Nathan)
  4. (Time permitting) Suggestions for our WG day at the ACCESS-NRI September workshop

Feel free to invite others to attend our meeting and join the WG (no need to be a member of the WG to attend the meeting).

Thursday 29th June, 2pm-3pm

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 488 864 820 247
Passcode: VnraHU

Download Teams | Join on the web

Disclaimer: This meeting is hosted by the Bureau of Meteorology. You must join with your full name and follow instruction given by the host. Disclosure or unauthorised use of content from this meeting may be a serious criminal offence.

Learn More | Meeting options

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Our Working Group Meeting will be this Thurs at 2-3pm (AEST), focussing on Machine Learning infrastructure.

Teams Meeting Link

Reminder: This is on now

Call for agenda items for next working group meeting (#3)

We don’t have a speaker/presenter lined up for our next meeting so the agenda is very open. ATM this is what we have:

  • Update on ACCESS-NRI workshop community WG sessions
  • Ancillaries and static files update (Nathan)

Please reply if you’d like to suggest leading a discussion for the forecasting and prediction working group.

If you think we should still meet please ‘Like’ this post :slight_smile:

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Hi all

We are running a 1-day workshop following the main ACCESS-NRI workshop.

TOPIC: Machine learning for modelling and prediction
WHEN: Thurs 7 September; 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
WHERE: Canberra or online

The day will provide a brief introduction to ML, explore recent progress in the application of ML in modelling and prediction, and include a discussion session on key issues and future opportunities. This session is open to all, and no prior experience with, or knowledge of ML is required.

Register now (before 20 August). More details are provided in the registration link.

Membership of the Forecasting and Prediction WG is not required for attendance. Feel free to circulate the announcement.

Reminder to register by the end of this week for the Machine learning for modelling and prediction FPWG Workshop.

Note that this is a separate registration link from the main ACCESS-NRI workshop.

Register here.

We are looking forward to the FPWG Workshop next week Thursday (online and in Canberra) on Machine learning for modelling and prediction.

If you cannot attend the workshop, you are very welcome to include your thoughts on our Discussion Jamboard. We will be using the Jamboard to share and discuss ideas.

Our main topics of discussion are:

  • ML research interests and collaboration opportunities
  • How can ACCESS-NRI support (data, software, infrastructure, resources/info/guides)?
  • How can we better coordinate across the community?
  • Increasing ML research transparency, increasing collaboration and open source code
 but there is also a page for any other questions/issues.

The link to the Jamboard is live and we encourage anyone to add their ideas/thoughts at anytime — prior or during the workshop. Apart from facilitating our discussion session, we hope that it will be a useful resource for capturing information and will contribute to informing the outcomes of the workshop.

Please find below the program for today’s Forecasting and Prediction Working Group workshop:
FPWG Workshop Program.pdf (85.9 KB)


Session Time Topics
Intro and welcome 9:30 Note that the workshop will be recorded
Getting started 9:40 Intro to ML, key developments, time for questions and clarifications
Morning Tea 10:30 Food and drinks provided
Applications of ML 11:00 Recent and current research examples
Lunch 12:30 Food and drinks provided
Applications of ML 1:30 Continued
Discussion 2:15 Jamboard link
Afternoon tea 3:00 Food and drinks provided
Discussion 3:30 Continued
Wrap up 4:15 Next steps, follow-on workshop?
Close 4:30

You can also join the workshop online via the following teams link: Join conversation

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The presentations from our “Machine learning for modelling and prediction” workshop are now available here

FPWG meeting #3: Supporting data assimilation research at ACCESS-NRI

Thursday 19th October 2-3pm AEDT

Please join us for the third Forecasting and Prediction WG meeting, and first meeting following the ACCESS-NRI workshop in September.


  1. Pete Steinle & Chun-Hsu Su (Bureau) will give short overview of the JEDI platform from JCSDA
  2. Overview of DA activities in the ACCESS community (Nathan)
  3. Open discussion about supporting DA at NRI

Please feel free to invite others whom could weigh-in

Thursday 19th October 2-3pm AEDT

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 462 781 955 494
Passcode: 8BwyYp

Download Teams | Join on the web

Disclaimer: This meeting is hosted by the Bureau of Meteorology. You must join with your full name and follow instruction given by the host. Disclosure or unauthorised use of content from this meeting may be a serious criminal offence.

Learn More | Meeting options

Reminder that this meeting is today at 2pm AEDT

Hope to see you there!

Thursday 19th October 2-3pm AEDT

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 462 781 955 494
Passcode: 8BwyYp

Download Teams | Join on the web

Disclaimer: This meeting is hosted by the Bureau of Meteorology. You must join with your full name and follow instruction given by the host. Disclosure or unauthorised use of content from this meeting may be a serious criminal offence.

Learn More | Meeting options

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Hi all

Working Group Meeting
SAVE THE DATE: Thurs 29th Feb 1:00-2:00pm AEDT

Our next WG meeting will be a joint one with the Earth System WG.

The focus will be on the joint WG “Triple La Niña Experiment”, which has now finished running.

We’ll also get to hear a bit about activities in the Earth System WG.

Details of the meeting link will be provided closer to the time.

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Reminder: Shared ESM/F&P Working Group Meeting

This is a reminder the next ESM/F&P Shared Working Group meeting is on tomorrow, Thursday 29th of February at 1:00pm (2024-02-29T02:00:00Z).

This is a shared meeting between the ESM Working Group and the Forecasting and Prediction Working Group. The meeting will be split into two sections, the first covering the shared material, and the second dealing with ESM specific items, which all are welcome to stay for, but we also understand if F&P folks prefer to leave at that point.

Connection details

Zoom: Launch meeting


Shared Section

1. Introductions from each group

Introductions from each group to give a brief overview of aims and activities.

2. Triple La Niña experiment

Introduce the Triple La Niña experiment that was a joint initiative of the ESM and F&P Working Groups. Describe

  • Experiment design
  • How to access the outputs
  • Initial results
  • Discuss possible avenues for further analysis: contributions welcome!
  • Discuss possible ACCESS-S2 Training. Gauge interest and requirements

ESM Working Group Section

See the ESM WG announcement for details.


Based on prior WG sessions, particularly our session at the NRI workshop last year, a few of us have drafted a document on how the ACCESS-NRI might be able to support ML infrastructure in the future.

We would very much welcome your comments/additions to the document. Please use the google-docs version for adding your suggestions:
How ACCESS NRI could support ML/AI

The contents of the document are useful for the NRI in considering future investment options.


Joint Meeting: Atmosphere + Forecasting and Prediction WGs 08.05.2024

We’ve organised another Forecasting & Prediction WG meeting jointly with the Atmosphere WG. This meeting will focus on some shared modelling interests with the single column model configuration, and lidar and radar simulators. Please come and share your ideas for collaborative projects!

** For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below **


  1. Admin: Volunteer for taking today’s meeting minutes to post here on the Forum.
  2. Introduction: Atmosphere and Forecasting & Prediction WGs (5 + 5 mins)
  3. Single Column Model (SCM): presentation by Martin Dix (15 + 5mins)
    The UM includes a SCM configuration. This includes the full UM atmosphere and land surface physics, but replaces the dynamics by advective tendencies derived from observations or from a full model. It’s a useful tool for testing physics parameterisations because it runs quickly and gives detailed per timestep diagnostics.
    Martin will present some tests comparing JULES and CABLE land surface schemes driven with data from ERA5 and from a global UM run.
  4. Earth Model Column Collaboratory (EMC2): Calum Knight will give an introduction to EMC2, an open-source ground-based lidar and radar instrument simulator and subcolumn generator for large-scale models (10 + 5 mins)
  5. Discussion: Ideas for future collaborative projects and joint meetings for Atmosphere and Forecasting & Prediction WGs (15 mins)