Land working group, meeting minutes 2024

Here are the minutes from the Land modelling working group meeting. If we’ve missed anything you feel is important please feel free to add it below or edit this post (it’s a wiki post).

DATE: 21/05/2024
Attendees: 8

Working Group Workshop

Dates: between Tuesday 8/10 - Thursday 10/10.
Proposing 2 days: 1 day for the workshop and an optional “working bees” day to advance WG projects.
Workshop hosted at CSIRO Black Mountain.

Training day at ACCESS-NRI annual workshop

  • Evaluation tools use:
    – ilamb
    – ESMValTool
  • Using GitHub for code development.
  • benchcab (could be done at another time since it is a small cohort. It is ideal as a YouTube-based training).
  • drop-in session for people to come up with their current problems. This might require some preparation with people sending their issues in advance.

Other topics

Christoph leaving for ECMWF. Putting together a strategy for land modelling development for the Bureau.

Ancillaries workshop next year from ECMWF and MetOffice.

Update on ACCESS-NRI work plan: likely coming at the next meeting or the one after.