MATLAB kernel for Jupyter

MathWorks now officially support a MATLAB kernel for Jupyter. Details here:


This could be a nice stepping-stone for people looking to transition from MATLAB to Python, for example - thanks MathWorks!

Awesome! Would we be able to get it on the Gadi VDI?

You could try creating your own conda environment containing the required packages and running on the NCI ARE JupyterLab App? I don’t have a Matlab license or any experience running Matlab on NCI so I can’t test if this works, but you could give it a try:

  1. Follow the instructions under " Creating personal environments" here to create your own conda environment with the required packages. That is, create the ~/.condarc file as described and then run

    module use /g/data/hh5/public/modules
    conda create -n matlab -c conda-forge jupyterlab
    conda activate matlab
    pip install jupyter-matlab-proxy
  2. Start a JupyterLab session via the ARE App. In addition to the standard fields, I presume you’ll have to select your Matlab software group under Software, e.g.:

    and to add Matlab modules in the Advanced Options under Modules, e.g.:

    You’ll also need to tell the ARE to use the conda environment you created (also in Advanced Options):

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Given that NCI officially support MATLAB and they already provide a number of specialised conda environments, I’d say emailing would be a good option to see if they have plans to support this use case, or are willing to do so in the future.