Meeting Minutes 2023: Atmosphere Working Group (Archived)

Atmosphere WG kick-off Meeting 17.05.2023 minutes

17 May 2023 (10:00-11:45)

24 participants online via zoom

From: BoM, CSIRO, UTas, UNSW, NRI, UoM, CLEX, Monash

Noted that Zoom is problematic for BoM users, banned on Bureau laptops

Slides: AtmosWG_kickoff_170523.pdf (2.3 MB)

Welcome and acknowledgment

  • Acknowledgement of traditional owners

Round table intros

  • 1 minute intros from all attending
  • Wide variety of backgrounds in community: research interests, UM expertise, atmospheric modelling expertise


  • ACCESS-NRI created to support development and research with the ACCESS modelling system

ACCESS-Hive and Forum

Intro to Atmosphere WG

  • Key aims – establish Australian atmospheric modelling community, currently missing

Why are you / we here?

  • Community building: atmos modelling community hasn’t been as well organised as other communities, e.g. land, ocean. Would be great for atmos community to reach that level of community organisation. Stronger to have a coherent voice, rather than singular voices.
  • Identify strategic priorities
  • Several people identified as being new to UM. Atmos WG is way to access training, docs, tools etc? Acknowledged that this is a priority for NRI. Noted that different ACCESS configs require different training
  • Advanced training would also be valuable for more experienced users – allow them to solve more complex problems
  • Think outside of box in delivering training / info. Videos?

Terms of reference of Atmos WG

Structure / near-term objectives

  • Structure / content of meetings
    • Previous ACCESS evaluation meetings (held a few times a year by Lawrie Rikus at BOM) are missed by community. Resurrect those in some format?
    • Science presentations, long / short
    • User problem solving, new and experienced
    • What are people planning, where are the gaps?
    • Pick a topic every meeting? Have discussion around that. Where is atmos community placed? e.g. CMIP ambitions. Noted that there is an Earth System WG. How to integrate model in community? Promote use of UM. How to collaborate between WGs, communities
  • Community experiments
    • what does community want?
    • goal for hackathons
    • establish as community resource
    • publicise pre-existing simulations that could be valuable
  • How to reach non UM users, e.g. WRF community

Meeting frequency

  • other WGs meeting fortnightly
  • what is community preference?
    • Great to have at least one in person meeting per year, make it a full day
    • otherwise ~6 meetings per year? Or monthly? Do we have enough to discuss to meet monthly?
    • Initially it is important to communicate what we are all doing, higher frequency might help with that
    • Forum has a post for topic suggestions
    • Monthly meetings initially, mix of science / technical topics
      • how to use forum would be valuable
      • Several 10-12 min talks, informal discussion style? Or a single longer 20 minute talk? Lightning talks also to cover intros etc?
      • Meeting length 1 hour

Compute resource

  • Atmos WG has 1.25 MSU available
  • Guidelines to be released shortly, used for community experiments

Atmosphere WG Satellite meeting: to be held during ACCESS-NRI annual workshop 5-8 September 2023. More details to follow!

** Note** Please watch the Atmosphere Announce topic on the ACCESS-forum to receive information on upcoming meetings and events! This youtube video explains how to watch a topic on the ACCESS-Hive Forum.

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