Proposed changes to COSIMA TWG meetings

Dear all, several members of the ACCESS-OM3 development team started fortnightly meetings to discuss ongoing OM3 development work. During the last TWG meeting it was pointed out that these meetings could be of interested to attendees of the TWG meetings and that there is some overlap of topics being discussed in these meetings.

We would thus like to propose to merge those meeting with the TWG meetings and make them more frequent. The idea would then to have one TWG meeting first week of the month and another one every third week. The former would mostly keep the format of the current TWG meeting, while the later would be entirely focused on technical aspects of the OM3 development work.

Let me know what you think. If there’s an ample consensus in favor, we will start the new format next month.


Seems like a reasonable approach which will reduce the total number of meetings but also not burden you with too much information sharing requirements.

Seems like no one is against the proposed changes, so let’s implement it starting next month.

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For the meetings going forward, we (the oceans team) are proposing:

  • First meeting of the month is for roundtable updates.
  • Second meeting of the month we skip the updates and people bring issues they are working on and would like help with.

We would also like to take 15 minutes at the end of the each meeting to check-in that everyone has a next step on what ever they are working on, or has something next to work on.

In the new year, it would be good to take one meeting (or have a seperate meeting) to revisit our longer term planning / goals (i.e. first runs on OM3, CMIP7 etc)