(Nathan Eizenberg)
27 October 2023 02:05
Do you have new datasets of significance that you would like hosted as a published data collection at NCI this coming year?
Note the deadline for this info has passed but there may be a possibility to get a dataset hosted if they know about it asap.
Please see Heidi’s post in the Atmosphere WG for details:
ACCESS-NRI would like to know the needs of the Working Groups for Reference Datasets. We would like to know what datasets of significance for the working group you would like to have hosted in a published data collection at NCI within the financial year 2023/2024. We need to create a list of likely datasets that will be ready within this timeframe so we can start the data management process for these datasets with you and NCI.
What is a Reference Dataset?
A Reference Dataset is data that is of significance to the community and will be used by a range of users. Possible examples:
Dataset name
Dataset URL
Contact to liaise with publishing data (name and organisation)
Dataset details, in particular to demonstrate importance to the community, e.g. temporal and spatial coverage, nature of dataset (observations, reanalysis …), static or regularly updated
Current required storage in GB, projection for next year if not a static dataset
What do we need from you?
Proposing datasets
If you have a dataset you think
Can be considered as a Reference Dataset
Will be ready for publication before June 2024
Please reply to this topic with:
Dataset name
Contact to liaise with publishing data (name and organisation)
Dataset details to show its importance to the community
Required storage in GB
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(Heidi Nettelbeck, ACCESS-NRI Atmosphere Modelling Team Lead)
27 October 2023 02:54
Thanks @nathan-e for your post! There is still time to put forth recommendations for reference datasets on NCI, but I recommend you do this within the next few days!
This working group is being closed. The topics will remain visible while we decide what to archive for posterity and how.