UM - Minimum working example?

Hi all.

While looking over the CLEX and NRI tutorials for AUS2200. I’m wondering if 21stCW would be well served by creating a very small UM test-suite (i.e. a minimum working example).

The UKMO UM tutorial here :

refers to suite u-aa003 which runs a very simple N48 Endgame GA6 standard job (build, reconfigure, atmospheric). Of course, all the paths are hardcoded to the UKMO filesystem.

I’ve come across Paul Leopardi’s minimum-working-example for rose/cylc on gadi (u-cq161) which is a great introduction to how rose/cylc runs basic tasks on gadi.

A good workflow for new PhDs/Post-Docs could be:

  • start with u-cq161
  • progress to an ACCESS/gadi equivalent of u-aa003
  • then move onto AUS2200 (e.g. Chermelle’s u-dg767 and u-dg768)

Does ACCESS-NRI currently have any UM minimum-working-example rose suites?

If not, is there any appetite within NRI to help build and support one?



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I’d say look at using one of the official GAL9 workflows rather than aa003 as a better representation of the current model (with site directories etc)

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I agree with Scott on on this. Also @cbengel u-dg767 and u-dg768 are not AUS2200, they are ACCESS-NRI copies of the Regional Ancillary Suite and Regional Nesting Suite.

Scott Wales has essentially answered this one.

Hi @Paul.Gregory,

Have you seen the ACCESS-NRI Hive Docs at

If you look through the Run a Model section is that what you meant?

Please note, we have not finished all the steps required at ACCESS-NRI to officially support the regional nesting suite as yet. Once we have, we will add documentation for running the limited area (regional) model there.

In terms of providing support for a global hind-cast (as opposed to a global climate model set-up), if that is what you mean, I think it would be best to start talking with the Atmosphere Working Group. It may be non-trivial due to the initial condition data required, etc.

For those types of reasons the regional model example may be a better start despite the learning required.

Best regards,


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Hi Chermelle

Yes, I’ve seen the hive docs on how to run ACCESS GCM’s. What I was after was a smaller suite (the smallest possible!) to just run the UM, so it could be used to demonstrate how rose/cylc uses rose-app.conf and suite.rc to create a task graph to run UM executables and co-ordinates UM namelists and ancillary files etc.

I think it would be a good step before a user proceeds to running an ACCESS regional nesting suite.

I’ll follow Scott’s suggestion and build one based on GAL9.

I’ll let you know how I go.




Hi @Paul.Gregory,

I think what you describe can be very useful.
Something similar has been also voiced by other people in the community, so I think there are good reasons to start working on that.

I also think there might be very good space for collaboration both on the creation of the suite and for its documentation.


Hi all.

I’m now going to start building this.

Does NRI (or anyone else) have an existing N96 global atmosphere-only suite running on gadi?

I’ll use u-aa003 as a starting point for a minimum working example. From first glance, some of the information I’ll need to run it includes:

  • relevant modules for fortran compilation
  • At atmospheric start file
  • Some global ancillaries (the suite uses N48 ancils)
  • The suite can run with a pre-built UM, it assumes the existence of vn13.6 pre built executables from the UKMO computer at /home/h01/frum/cylc-run/vn13.6_prebuilds/share

The link @Scott shared earlier suggests u-dh838 could also be used with vn13.6, however is that only available with cylc8.

So I’ve checked out u-df541 which uses UM vn 13.4 and runs in cylc7. That appears to have all the required information to run on gadi.

Please let me know if you’d prefer another suite or configuration to use as a template.


Hi Paul,
Please note that u-aa003 is not a portable suite. It was built to work in the UK Met Office environment at Exeter. In particular, it does not use PBS at all, does not use NCI modules, and uses hardcoded path names. In my opinion, you might be better off to reference a suite that has already run at NCI.

For example, you may want to contact Jin Lee and Anderson Murray at the Bureau of Meteorology about using some of the work done on u-cr043 to assist you with porting u-aa003 to NCI Gadi. See also roses-u ticket #521 and its Ticket Details.

I don’t think u-cr043 is a good comparison for portability specifically, since it’s very complex and you’re hoping for something simple. I have u-cx707 which is normally used in GC5 config but can run GAL9 fine, in which case it is already fairly close to the minimum practical suite. I haven’t run it at N96 however so some of the ancils/etc. would be missing from the suite config I expect.

I would be happy to help you bounce ideas around as far as porting u-aa003 (it doesn’t look like there’s much to that suite, less complexity does make porting easier, though Paul L. is correct it’d involve starting from scratch) or modifying u-cx707 to make it more of a toy suite for demonstration purposes.


Thanks Anderson.

I’ll get u-cx707 up and running in atmosphere-only mode and then strip it back so it can run N96 with the bare minimum of rose/suite logic.

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I’ve copied u-cx707 to u-dl058 and removed all suite.rc logic related to ocean coupling.

I’d like to check the outputs of the two suites. The only outputs available after suite completion are:


But I can’t read these umgla.fort6.pe0* files. I’ve tried xconv and in python : ants, mule and cdms2.

The mule and cdms2 errors refer to a required dictionary and / or dictionary control file.

What tool/library is required to read these files?


pe_output files should just be text logs, depending on log settings there may be one for each process or only one for the root MPI rank

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LoL you’re right.

Anderson - I found the output directory : /scratch/dx2/pag548/GC5_runs/u-cx707/

All good. I’ll continue stripping away suite logic and will start experimenting with lower resolution and ancillary generation.

Ok I’ve removed all app, bin and .conf files not related to UM only forecast.

I’ve stripped suite.rc of any logic related to ocean, surface or verification.

The forecast files are unchanged c/f the default version of u-cx707.

Can I commit this back to

Working Copy Root Path: /home/548/pag548/roses/u-dl058
Relative URL: ^/d/l/0/5/8/trunk

using fcm commit?

Or are there other working practises I have to follow?

Hi @Paul.Gregory,

The working practises for the UM are outlined on the met office website.

Given that you are not likely planning to commit any of these changes back on the to the trunk (i.e. the original suite you checked out) it may not strictly be necessary to follow all the steps (i.e. making tickets, etc).

In that case you should be free to use fcm commit so other local users can checkout your changes.

@paulleopardi and @Scott do you agree?

If it’s your own workflow you’ve made with rosie copy then you can commit as you like

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Ok I’ve committed changes back to u-dl058.

If you run this suite as N320, it takes

  • just under two minutes for a reconfiguration (on 48 CPUs)
  • About five minutes for a forecast (on 384 CPUs).

The final netCDF outputs occupy about 650 Mb. It’s a single day forecast, with four outputs every six hours.

N320 is the smallest resolution for default ancillaries used by this suite, located at /g/data/dx2/ancillaries/GC5/

There are N96 GC5 ancillaries located at /g/data/access/projects/access/umdir/ancil/atmos/GC5/n96e/ however they are missing fields, e.g. murk.

The N96 ancillaries located in that directory also have 85 vertical levels, not 70, e.g.




How do people want to proceed? Is the N320 computation footprint considered too large for a small test case/tutorial?

Ok I’ve stripped back u-dl085 sufficiently that is useful, and yet comprehensible for a new user (hopefully!).

The supporting documentation is here :


It currently runs at N320 resolution.

I’m still updating these to fix typos and will make improvements based on user feedback.

Ok here is an issue. The suite contains a few dependencies on the dx2 project, including:

  • ECMWF initial conditions
  • Ancillary data

@griff are you happy for new starters to join dx2 just to run this suite?

Or should we move the data to a more generic location? (e.g. /g/data/access) ?