To turn an ocean grid cell into a land point (from the ocean model point of view): the main things you need to do are
(1) edit the, i.e. set an exisiting non-zero depth cell to zero.
(2) Re-run a tool that creates the input file based on the edited
I have outlined a procedure to do this for the GFDL CM2.1 model, in step 1 of this wiki. Since ACCESS-ESM uses the same ocean, the procedure is basically the same (for the ocean model side). You will just have to use the ACCESS-ESM grid input files rather than the ones I used in my example (it’s a different resolution).
The slight complication here is that MOM5 can accept the input file using the “old method”, where all grid variables are included in, or the “new method”, where specifies the grid files through mosaic files that point to individual grid inputs for each model component.
I have noticed that ACCESS-ESM1.5 uses the “old method”… whereas the tool I specified creates these inputs using the “new method”, i.e. using mosaic input files. It is entirely possible to go between the two methods of creating, and I’m endeavouring to do this as a test case. I am going to try to do that… will report back to this post when I have more info.