ACCESS Workshop Cryoshphere WG Meeting 2024 Cookbook hackathon/brainstorm

Hi all,

We’ll use this thread to gather the discussions in the final afternoon session.

We asked everyone to please come prepared with an idea you’d like to tackle, such as: calculating grounding line flux that could be calculated over any domain, height above flotation, etc.

We’ll be working in groups of 2-3 people and will focus on getting down on paper some pseudocode to describe a series of processing steps, input and output data requirements and variables, an algorithm - it’s up to you.

How to run the model: have something uploaded in the Hive Docs: Run a Model - ACCESS-Hive Docs

From the other communities: they might not even know which variables are there.

Here is a summary from sub-group discussion on ISSM Cookbook and hackathon:
idea: learn from the COSIMA cookbook
Top priority: we need a notebook or a hive page to show how to run ISSM using Payu
Other things needed in cookbook: post-processing, data analysis, boundary conditions, initial conditions, forcings, how to calculate a few key variables (volume above flotation), what ice sheet model can generate as outputs and post-processed outputs; how to use git; how to use python scripts on gadi
Question raised: how to encourage community contribution to cookbook
Suggestion: we need to recognise people’s contribution and encourage people to cite the contribution in publications; no judgements; emphasize we share it for benefits of everyone; have a team for science review and code review; intern to provide assistance; host a training about how to contribute in a clear way;
Keep in mind: quality control, review and ACCESS-NRI standard approval for submission

Other suggestions:

  1. Hackathon is quite helpful to produce a notebook, suggest organising hackathon before or after a workshop or meeting.
  2. half-year training provided by ACCESS-NRI: how to use github; how to use python
  3. having a joint session with other working groups