COSIMA Working Group Announce

Greetings COSIMA!

Our next meeting is on tomorrow :white_check_mark:

Just like last time, we are using a new zoom link this year (the old one expired), so make sure you update your calendar!

Aidan Heerdegen is going to tell us about payu updates and the new ACCESS-NRI ACCESS-OM2 release.

Other topics on the agenda include:

  • retiring the COSIMA-announce email list - this is the last week that I will send an email to the list
  • COSIMA @ Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024 - quick recap on COSIMA at Ocean Sciences

If you have something else to add to the agenda, please get in touch.

As always, the meeting will start at 1130.

Please click this URL to start or join: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 82678917036
