Developing a CABLE4 work plan: Issues to consider

Slides from meeting on 11/7/2024

intro slide including a set of assertions about the current (baseline) condition of the offline and coupled models. A key challenge for CABLE4 and ESM3 is the desire to relax POP’s 3 tile configuration when inside ACCESS, without having to undertake a fundamental rewrite.

Box-stick diagram of the current offline POP-enabled code

Box stick diagram of proposed CABLE4 - note boxes with dashed line would require some technical modification or are new routines. Note the key move of POP and POPLUC from the end of year to beginning of year.

option for implementation within ESM3 - largely follows the current implementation within ESM1.5 and CM2. This method would require a mismatch between the albedo seen by the atmosphere and the albedo of the land during the first hour of each year.

Alternative for implementation within ESM3 - the key difference being that the carbon cycle (and if possible soil hydrology) is moved to extras. This move would better align CABLE-CASA-POP with the structure of JULES. This method would still require a mismatch between the albedo seen by the atmosphere and the albedo of the land for some of the first hour of each year.

Five broad technical tasks that would be necessary for this implementation method - note that the detail of the science of the interface is largely hidden inside task 4.