Development of ACCESS-AM3 for CMIP7

Experiment title: ACCESS-AM3

Summary: This is to run tests during the development of ACCESS-AM3. The simulations run will involve UM v13.x with JULES, CABLE3 or CABLE4. These will be global experiments based on the GC5 configuration. Most experiments will be short-lived.

Scientific motivation: Preparations for CMIP7.

Experiment Name: ACCESS-AM3-dev
People: @Jhan @MartinDix @ben
Configuration: evolving during the development.
Initial conditions: evolving during the work
Run plan: most of the runs will be over 30 years.
Simulation details: variable
Total KSUs required: 200 kSU / quarter. Needed for the year.
Total storage required: 50 GB (it might require more when the model is more mature. At that point we might want to store some outputs).
Outputs: TBD
Restarts: TBD
Related articles: N/A




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