Experiment proposal: AUS2200 sea-surface temperature sensitivity simulation of June 2016 east coast heavy rain event with warm eddy removed

Experiment title :bell:: AUS2200 sea-surface temperature sensitivity simulation of June 2016 east coast heavy rain event with warm eddy removed.

Summary :bell::

We would like to propose an AUS2200 experiment to complement earlier experiments (ECL-2016_smallshift) that have looked at sea-surface temperature effects on the East Coast Low complex of early June 2016. The simulations use a domain shifted eastward to cover more of the Coral and Tasman Seas and have so far been run with 1) fixed initial Skin Temperatures Over Water (STOW), 2) daily evolving STOW, and 3) 3 June climatological STOW. The results show intensification of a subtropical cyclone over a warm eddy in the East Australian Current. An additional simulation is now proposed to determine whether this cyclone is affected more by the regionally high SSTs or more due to the SST distribution and gradients in the vicinity of the warm eddy. For this simulation we propose to remove the warm eddy while maintaining the same average STOW in the area using the method outlined in Initial conditions below. In all other ways the simulation will be identical to case 1).

Experiment Name :bell:: ECL-2016_smooth
People :bell:: Chris Chambers, Dale Roberts, Yi Huang
Model: AUS2200

Initial conditions: A box of the 1980 to 2019, 3 June ERA5 climatology STOW, covering the region of the warm eddy, is adjusted upwards so that the box-average STOW in the box is the same as the box-average ERA5 STOW for 3 June 2016. 3 buffer boxes, each 1 grid smaller than the previous, with increasing weight on the climatological STOW vs the 3 June 2016 STOW, are input into the data at the box edge to smooth the edge transition. Finally, on another 1 grid smaller box than the smallest buffer box, the adjusted climatology box data is brought in. The reason for using the climatology rather than just smoothing the data is to keep the distribution of SSTs more reasonable for this region.

Total KSUs required :bell:: 5 days * 16 kSU/day = 80kSU
Total storage required :bell:: 2 TB