Experiment proposal: AUS2200 simulation of June 2016 east coast subtropical cyclone with Tasman Sea SST replaced with climatology SST

Experiment title :bell:: AUS2200 simulation of June 2016 east coast subtropical cyclone with Tasman Sea SST replaced with climatology SST.

Summary :bell::
We would like to run an additional AUS2200 simulation of the East Coast Low complex of early June 2016. This simulation will investigate the relative roles of the record warm waters in the Coral and Tasman Seas. For this simulation we will replace the Tasman Sea SST with climatological SST while employing a buffer around the edge of the adjusted region to avoid sharp SST gradient features. Aside from the SST change, the simulation will be run under the same setup as previous experiments (ECL-2016_smooth and ECL-2016_smallshift).

Experiment Name :bell:: ECL-2016_tasclim

People :bell:: Chris Chambers, Yi Huang

Model: AUS2200

Initial conditions: A box of the 1980 to 2019, 3 June ERA5 climatology SST over the Tasman Sea region will be inserted into the 3 June 2016 SST. 3 or more buffer boxes will be added at the box edge to smooth the edge transition.

Run plan: 5 day, 0000 UTC 3 June to 0000 UTC 8 June, 2016

Total KSUs required :bell:: 5 days * 16 kSU/day = 80kSU

Total storage required :bell:: 2 TB


This simulation is now setup and ready to run, I just need to set the project to run under. The last run was run under project gx60 but not sure if this should be changed. If approved I will first run for only the first few hours before pausing to check all is OK with the run. If all then looks good I’ll continue the run.


I’m happy for this experiment to go ahead on gx60!

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Same with me. Please go ahead @cchambers!

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Thanks a lot Matt and Heidi! I’ll give this a go on gx60 tomorrow (Mon 23 Sep).