Experiment Proposal: TRENDY v13

Experiment title :bell:: TRENDY v13

Summary :bell::

The plan is to contribute to the this year’s TRENDY-MIP (v13), which is part of the annual carbon budget assessment of the Global Carbon Project. It will use the CABLE-POP model. The whole setup as well as the results will be available for the CABLE and ACCESS communities.

Scientific motivation:

The model simulations will form part of an ensemble of DGVMs and TBMs that are used to assess the magnitude of the terrestrial carbon sink and its response to changes in climate, CO2 and land use.

Experiment Name :bell:: TRENDYv13

People :bell:: Juergen Knauer


Configuration: branch CABLE-POP_TRENDY on github.

Initial conditions: The model will use CRUJRA climate data (available by end of June), LUH2 data on land use change and use the existing spinup process, starting at zero biomass.

Run plan: The experiment consists of 4 factorial runs. Runs comprise a spinup period and main simulations from 1700 - 2023.

Simulation details: Processing of input data will start end of June. Simulations will be performed end of July and beginning of August. Deadline for submission is end of August.

Total KSUs required :bell:: 120 kSUs (min. 90 kSUs)

Total storage required :bell:: 10TB (only needed for Q3/2024). Final results can be stored in other locations, which will need to be discussed.

Outputs: location will be added here once experiments started
Restarts: location will be added here once experiments started
Related articles: Friedlingstein, P., O’Sullivan, M., Jones, M. W., Andrew, R. M., Bakker, D. C. E., Hauck, J., Landschützer, P., Le Quéré, C., Luijkx, I. T., Peters, et al. (2023): Global Carbon Budget 2023. Earth System Science Data 15, 5301-5369, ESSD - Global Carbon Budget 2023.


Results from factorial CABLE-POP simulations submitted to the Global Carbon Budget in 2022. Shown is global net biome productivity (NBP, a measure of land carbon uptake) from the three main runs (S1-S3) over the last 60 years. Positive values indicate a net carbon uptake by land. The figure shows strong contributions of atmospheric CO2 to the trend in the land carbon sink over this time period (simulation S1). Climate (mostly temperature and precipitation) add variability to the trend (simulation S2), whereas land use change reduces the carbon sink globally (simulation S3).


The TRENDY project is part of the annual global carbon assessment effort, which is published in Earth System Science Data or a similar journal end of this year. Results will also be freely available to the community and can be used for model benchmarking and follow-up scientific analyses.

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