First-time ACCESS-ESM1.5 user: how to request MOSRS account

I am a prospective ACCESS-ESM1.5 user currently going through the setup steps.

In following the instructions on the ACCESS Hive I was directed to request a UK Met Office Science Repository Service account.

The instructions sent me to this ‘Prerequisites’ page, providing an email on which to email the Met Office to request a MOSRS account. But this email address bounced.

Do we have an updated email address for the Met Office? Or is there some other avenue by which we can organise an MOSRS account?


The person to ask will depend on your affiliation - I’m assuming you’re university/20th century CoE? Looking at the MOSRS admin pages they don’t have a current sponsor for Met Office accounts. I think there is a CoE tech support team, maybe check with them?

Hi - yep, thanks. I’m at the Australian National University (not one of those listed sponsored organisations), so the suggested pathway was to email the UK Met Office directly.

The current workaround seems to be to ask the helpful folks at the ACCESS NRI, who will lodge a ticket with the Met Office. I mostly posted this in case someone at ACCESS NRI wants to do something about that bouncing email address(!)

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Hi Georgy, @Scott is correct. New user requests for MOSRS accounts need to go through the relevant institution contacts listed in the NCI prerequisite page. ACCESS-NRI is currently submitting these requests on behalf of Australian partner universities and W21C. Thanks for pointing out the bouncing email address - I will raise an issue to about this.

Great - thanks both for clarifying :slight_smile:

We have a work-around to get you up and running @georgyfalster. Will DM.