Forecasting and Prediction working group: Introduce yourself

This topic is where you can introduce yourself to the other members of the Forecasting and Prediction Working Group.

Feel free to put as much information as you like, but it might be good to have a brief introduction to your background, where you are now, specific areas of interest you might have, and what collaborations you are interested in in the future.


Hi all, I’m Bethan. I’m a model developer at the Bureau of Meteorology, where I am currently thinking about ways to parameterize the unresolved effects of sub-grid clouds and convection on rainfall and circulation in global models. I came to the Bureau not too long ago from an academic background, where I made extensive use of high resolution (km and sub-km grid lengths) regional and idealised modelling, as well as observations of rainfall, to investigate aspects of deep convection, convective microphysics, and extreme rain events.


Hi! I’m also a co-chair of the #forecasting-and-prediction working group.

I am in the tail end of my PhD at University of Melbourne on data assimilation methods with Craig Bishop, mainly developing ensemble tangent linear model techniques.

Previously worked at the Bureau on the BARRA regional reanalysis project, running cycling assimilation and forecast suites with atmosphere UM (global and regional), SURF, VAR and OPS. Verification & model/assimilation validation too

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Hi, I’m Lynn. I am a climate scientist at the Bureau of Meteorology and I am working on event attribution using a forecast-based tool. I joined the Bureau last year after I graduated from my PhD on numerical methods and themofluid flows. I run the research suite of ACCESS-S2 on Gadi, which is an initialised global coupled model for operational sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasting at the Bureau. By modifying the initial conditions, an event can be re-forecasted in a counterfactual condition, allowing us to attribute the event to various contributors, including climate change.


Hi everyone. I am Abhnil Prasad (Abhi), a senior research fellow at the University of New South Wales working at the Climate Change Research Center. My research is focused on climate modelling using a mix of models and observations. I also have been working on convective parametrizations in models to improve the diurnal cycle of rainfall. More recently, I have been working on building a hybrid GCM by implementing a ML surrogate of moist physics and radiation in CAM4.

I am excited to join and contribute to the Forecasting and Prediction Working Group!


Hi Everyone,
I am very interested in the general problem of using observations and models to improve forecasts and models. An integral part of this is expressing the uncertainty/error in such models and predictions in terms of an ensemble of predictions. Ideally, each member of the ensemble forecast should be based on differing initial conditions and differing model settings. I work as the “Professor of Weather Prediction” at the University of Melbourne and spend one day each week at the Bureau of Meteorology.


Hi everyone, I’m Cat. I work at the Bureau of Meteorology, where I am currently focussed on a mix of improving model portability and infrastructure, developing a new machine learning plant phenology parameterisation scheme, and other machine learning applications. Before that I did some work porting coupled model versions to NCI from the Met Office, seasonal model postprocessing and forecast product development, and also a bit of oceanography.


Hi, I’m Peter Steinle and have been playing around with atmospheric data assimilation for quite some time. My focus has always been on weather scales - but at various times have dealt with anything from near-nowcasting to medium-range. I am trying to set up a path towards urban scale data assimilation. This requires new assimilation methods from JEDI, new approaches to modelling, including machine learning and new observation sources.


Hi all, I am one of the co-chairs of the #forecasting-and-prediction working group.

I lead the Coupled Modelling Team in the Research Program at the Bureau. Our primary focus is on seasonal prediction (ACCESS-S) and global NWP (ACCESS-G/GE), as well as coupled data assimilation.

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Hi all, I am the team leader for Data Science and Emerging Technologies at the Bureau of Meteorology. I am focused on machine learning and supporting the research community.


Hello, I am Griffith Young (Griff is preferred) and I work for the Bureau of Meteorology in the Coupled Modelling Team (led by @debbie_h) in the Earth Systems Modelling Section. I have been working for the Bureau for 12 years with a focus on Seasonal Prediction. I am fluent in ACCESS-S and less fluent in related topics. I am very interested in making technology accessible to all and I am very aware that when something doesn’t work for people it is often a very small piece of information that is missing. I like to help people find that missing piece.

This working group is being closed. The topics will remain visible while we decide what to archive for posterity and how.