Introduce Yourself

Hi Everyone!

Please introduce yourself including what you work on.

I’ll start:

I’m Kim, I am a postdoc at Monash and I am one of the co-chairs of the Forecasting and Prediction working group. I do some work on Subseasonal forecasting of rainfall using ACCESS-S2


Hi! I’m also a co-chair of the #forecasting-and-prediction working group.

I am in the tail end of my PhD at University of Melbourne on data assimilation methods with Craig Bishop, mainly developing ensemble tangent linear model techniques.

Previously worked at the Bureau on the BARRA regional reanalysis project, running cycling assimilation and forecast suites with atmosphere UM (global and regional), SURF, VAR and OPS. Verification & model/assimilation validation too


Hi all

I am the other co-chair of the #forecasting-and-prediction working group.

I lead the Coupled Modelling Team in the Research Program at the Bureau. Our primary focus is on seasonal prediction (ACCESS-S) and global NWP (ACCESS-G/GE), as well as coupled data assimilation.


Hi! I’m James Risbey. I am part of the Climate variability & hazards team at CSIRO and also work on weather and climate hazards with the Australian Climate Service. I am particularly interested in forecasts and predictability of weather events, and large ensemble characterisation of their behaviour.