As part of the Land Working Group, we would like to systematically compare CABLE and JULES over Australia. The comparison will make full use of ILAMB. The ILAMB data collection contains observations, reanalyses and other observation-derived datasets. However, ILAMB data collection focuses on global data and lacks the best data for this comparison. One goal is to make available higher-resolution observation-derived data for Australia. The MED team at ACCESS-NRI has expressed its willingness to help add datasets of interest to ILAMB. As such, we would like to compute a list of observation-derived datasets to add to ILAMB.
How to propose a dataset
This is a wiki so please edit the list at the end of this post with your proposed dataset. Review the current list of datasets in the ILAMB data collection before adding datasets to the list. Provide a link to the dataset description and data if possible.
The Land Working Group will then curate the list.
Please provide the information on the datasets before 31st March 2024.
List of proposed datasets for ILAMB
(format: Name of the dataset with link to dataset webpage, short description of the dataset)
AusEFlux (AusEFlux: Empirical upscaling of OzFlux eddy covariance flux tower data over Australia)
- 1 km gridded estimate of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP), Ecosystem Respiration (ER) and Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) over the Australian continent for the period January 2003 to June 2022, upscaled from OzFlux
CMRSET actual evapotranspiration (TERN Data Discovery Portal)
- monthly continuous gridded (30m) actual evapotranspiration over Australia, covering 2000 to present
SMAP L4 for gridded soil moisture
CosmOz point-scale soil moisture
Land surface temperature (Himawari, MODIS?)
Greenness (e.g. BoM LAI product?)