How to request changes on the forum

The forum is administered by the Staff group. Some changes to the forum can only be performed by people in this group.

Why contact the staff group directly

If you want to perform modifications on the forum that require admin privileges, you will need to contact someone from the staff group to help you out. Some examples of actions requiring admin privileges:

  • creating or modifying categories
  • creating groups
  • creating tags associated to groups for automatic watch settings
  • changing ownership of a post
  • enquiring about blocked sign up for someone else
  • etc.

To report posts contrary to ACCESS-NRI’s code of conduct, please use the flag mechanism as it helps with recording the case properly.

Requesting help from the staff group

Make a topic in General > Site Feedback with your request and tag with help and forum and other appropriate tags.

The triage team will make sure someone from the staff group handles the request.

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