Atmosphere WG Meeting 27.03.2024 minutes
25 Attendees on Zoom:
Heidi Nettelbeck, Claire Vincent, Yi Huang, Matt Woodhouse, Sonia Fiddes, Paul Leopardi, Steve Sherwood, Zhangcheng Pei, Chris Chambers, Andrew King, Marty Singh, Robyn Schofield, Craig Bishop, Davide Marchegiani, Chermelle Engel, Tim Raupach, David, Greg Roff, Chang Xu, Clemente Lopez-Bravo, Kim Reid, Emma Howard, Charmaine Franklin, S Cooper, Claire Courage.
Welcome new Members:
- Zhangcheng Pei (Jason) - UTAS - Running regional nesting suite over Davis Antarctica
- Andrew King - Unimelb
- Chris Chambers - Unimelb - Working on ACCESS AUS2200 - SST Sensitivity case studies
- Robyn Schofield - Unimelb - Atmospheric Chemist - representation of chemistry and aerosols in the model
- Craig Bishop - Unimelb - AUS2200 interests
Discussion: ACCESS over larger regional fixed domain - eg tropical domain - is there value in developing this capability?
→ Options discussed:
- Tropical Channel → How big would it have to be? Met Office have a tropical channel domain over the whole tropics with over 8000 grid points
- Expanded AUS2200 domain with Indian / Pacific Ocean rather than tropical.
- Different physics for tropical domain? → No, the new version of RAL2.3 has unified mid-latitudes and tropics
- Simulations to explore MJO / moisture questions - how is the moisture getting to the leading edge of the MJO? The MetOffice channel experiments might be too short for this.
- How large a domain do we need to generate an MJO ?
- If we make a fixed domain, it should be tropical and including part of the sub-tropics, and interactions with the tropics.
- Simulations could support monsoon feedbacks, wind induced surface fluxes → we need a simulation with a good monsoon. Could design experiments with prescribed winds, so test whether the wind / surface flux feedbacks are changed.
- Radiative-Convective-Equilibrium simulations with the ACCESS model? → There is an idealised configuration for the UM, but it is not in the nesting suite.
- A flexible domain might be a better approach. Chris Chambers & Dale Roberts are already making progress with moving the Aus2200 domain to the east.
- Craig suggests sending out a wider call for experiments - include on Hive Forum, but also to wider audience (email, CoEs, AMOS, etc.).
Atmosphere Community Updates:
Updates from the three University nodes about Weather of the 21st Century:
Steve Sherwood (UNSW): Currently hiring Post-docs across 5 partner unis on:
- Weather Systems Dynamics,
- Climate Variability and Weather Systems,
- Weather Systems in a Warmer World,
- Weather Resources,
- High-impact weather
- Modelling Science.
Centre will hire modelling specialists on topics of ocean, atmosphere, land, ML and AI. Positions either already advertised, or on the way to being advertised. W21C will have a modelling lead CI, who will coordinate with NRI.
Marty Singh (Monash): - At Monash there will be one level B and four level A post-docs. Positions close around 7th April.
- Experiments with idealised warming / idealised SST anomalies.
- Fine-scaled coupled interactions - one of the goals to develop a regional coupled model at high-res.
- Energy resources - simulations to support that.
- Moveable regional domain with variable res
- Couple regional model
- Implement Physics changes / experiments
- Documentation
Centre is focussed around ACCESS. Science drive, experiments support science questions.
Andrew King (Melbourne): W21C will try to run common experiments that are useful to multiple people
Positions on High-impact weather under climate change, Tropical Variability, Coastal Wind Resources. Level B atmospheric modelling - focussed on high-resolution model development. Tropical variability position, with focus on the monsoon - high resolution tropical simulations would be particularly useful. High-impact weather - phenomena like fog, will heavily use the ACCESS model. Coastal wind resources - high resolution modelling of coastal processes, including high-resolution coupling.
Question: Will there be a process to become an affiliate, for those who are not CIs?
- Students can get involved in some aspects of the centre, even if not supervised by CI in the centre.
- Opportunity for others to become AIs / PIs.
Storage and Compute resources for Atmosphere WG
Compute: We have 875 KSUs for Q2/2024. Submit on the Forum.
Please make a topic on Forum to apply for KSUs → see How to Apply for Atmosphere WG Resources post for guidance. -
Storage: ACCESS-NRI has storage available (100TB).
Move towards storage in experiment folders, instead of data being stored in people’s personal directories. Working group storage is temporary, until data is published.
Next Atmosphere WG meeting:
- Trial a fixed meeting time slot: Wednesday 2-3pm (Monthly)
- Next meeting end of April / early May (TBC)