Meeting Minutes 2024: Atmosphere Working Group

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Atmosphere WG Meeting 22.02.2024 minutes
22 Feb 2024
15 participants on Zoom

Matt Woodhouse:

  • Welcome & Acknowledgment

Chermelle Engel – Tutorial on STASH

  • We are talking about the ACCESS model, which is a complex model with a lot of details
  • Writing output needs to be carefully considered with respect to time stepping and variables. This is a very complex task and also depends on particular needs (eg. forecasts, reanalysis, climate scale)
  • In ACCESS this done via STASH (cudos to those who built it!) which is very flexible but modification needs to be done carefully
  • Pre-defined STASH packs provide default settings that would meet the majority of users (hopefully).
  • In the RNS there are five default STASH packs, plus the option to set your own either in the GUI or by creating your own STASH packs.
  • Creating your own STASH packs gives you flexibility to turn on and off your outputs as you need it (eg. for a period of particular interest).
  • Example of Canberra hailstorm where Chermelle creates new STASH profiles and requests (watch the recording).
  • Chermelle recommends turning on really high-res stuff only for the specific period you are interested in

James Warner, UKMO, visiting the BoM: ‘K-Scale: Scale interactions within the Tropical Easterly Jet’

  • Comparison of two configurations over the tropics RAL3.9 and GAL9 in the UM at 10km resolution
  • Representation of regional scale convection may impact at the global scale; an up-scale impact
  • Tropical Easterly Jet has important implications for the Indian and West African Monsoon
  • GAL9 produces are very large jet, larger than ERA5, RAL3 produces a closer jet to ERA5
  • When you have consistent physics with the driving model and the regional model you get similar results to the parent model, mixing physics (between driving model and regional model) can introduce differences
  • In GAL9: Weaker convection, poleward branch of Hadley Cell is weaker, altering the jet
  • Improving convection could help global models resolve issues with Indian Monsoon
  • James is here for another week if you have more questions

Heidi Nettelbeck: ECR and student engagement:

  • Can we encourage students and ECRs to attend these meetings
  • Let Heidi know if you have ideas in how to get people more engaged
  • Matt suggests the words ‘working group’ could put people off

Community updates

Belinda roux (BoM)

  • BARPA-R are available on the NCI, BARRA R2/RE2 is also available
  • ACCESS-AE is under development now, as is the data assimilation for ACCESS-A
  • BARPA-C and BARRA-C are also under development
  • Joint BoM-RND/UM workshop on convective scale modelling 9-13th September

Matt Woodhouse (CSIRO)

  • We have a year to do model configuration, tuning and evaluation before deck experiments must start.
  • Next FY model testing and tuning (long simulations & spin up), documentation
  • 25/26 FY deck experiments must begin
  • Time is VERY short
  • Right now no one is funded to do any CMIP7 dev… Rachel Law is trying to coordinate this, including large support from ACCESS-NRI and NCI. A lot of science needs to come from BoM and Universities.
  • Ideally, CM3 and ESM3 will have new physical climate model (UM13x), new ocean model (MOM6), new sea ice model (CICE6) and new land surface (CABLE4)
  • Unfortunately, for CMIP6 no tuning was done for ACCESS atmosphere… this was not ideal so hopefully we can do better this time around
  • Get involved: ACCESS Evaluation Hackathon is happening in a few weeks – this is a good way to get involved. Follow the CMIP7 announce topic CMIP7 Announce
  • See recording for info-graphics
  • The fast-track proposal is currently open for comment for CMIP7, if you would like to contribute there.
  • Fresh-eyes in CMIP is a network of ECRs to work with CMIP.
  • See recording for info-graphics / links

Steve Sherwood (UNSW)

  • W21C is in process of advertising a tranche of new postdocs, ads should be appearing soon.

Heidi Nettelbeck: Storage and Compute

  • We have 875kSUs and 95TB of storage to use this quarter. Post on the forum if you would like to utilise some of this. Start a New Topic in the Atmosphere Experiment sub-category and it will automatically populate the topic with a template.

Next meetings:

  • Should we have a fixed time?
  • Next one will probably be late March – date TBD
  • Interest in doing a joint meeting with the forecast & prediction WG on the single column model, likely in April
  • Agenda is open to all to contribute!

Atmosphere WG Meeting 27.03.2024 minutes

25 Attendees on Zoom:
Heidi Nettelbeck, Claire Vincent, Yi Huang, Matt Woodhouse, Sonia Fiddes, Paul Leopardi, Steve Sherwood, Zhangcheng Pei, Chris Chambers, Andrew King, Marty Singh, Robyn Schofield, Craig Bishop, Davide Marchegiani, Chermelle Engel, Tim Raupach, David, Greg Roff, Chang Xu, Clemente Lopez-Bravo, Kim Reid, Emma Howard, Charmaine Franklin, S Cooper, Claire Courage.

Welcome new Members:

  • Zhangcheng Pei (Jason) - UTAS - Running regional nesting suite over Davis Antarctica
  • Andrew King - Unimelb
  • Chris Chambers - Unimelb - Working on ACCESS AUS2200 - SST Sensitivity case studies
  • Robyn Schofield - Unimelb - Atmospheric Chemist - representation of chemistry and aerosols in the model
  • Craig Bishop - Unimelb - AUS2200 interests

Discussion: ACCESS over larger regional fixed domain - eg tropical domain - is there value in developing this capability?

→ Options discussed:

  • Tropical Channel → How big would it have to be? Met Office have a tropical channel domain over the whole tropics with over 8000 grid points
  • Expanded AUS2200 domain with Indian / Pacific Ocean rather than tropical.
  • Different physics for tropical domain? → No, the new version of RAL2.3 has unified mid-latitudes and tropics
  • Simulations to explore MJO / moisture questions - how is the moisture getting to the leading edge of the MJO? The MetOffice channel experiments might be too short for this.
  • How large a domain do we need to generate an MJO ?
  • If we make a fixed domain, it should be tropical and including part of the sub-tropics, and interactions with the tropics.
  • Simulations could support monsoon feedbacks, wind induced surface fluxes → we need a simulation with a good monsoon. Could design experiments with prescribed winds, so test whether the wind / surface flux feedbacks are changed.
  • Radiative-Convective-Equilibrium simulations with the ACCESS model? → There is an idealised configuration for the UM, but it is not in the nesting suite.
  • A flexible domain might be a better approach. Chris Chambers & Dale Roberts are already making progress with moving the Aus2200 domain to the east.
  • Craig suggests sending out a wider call for experiments - include on Hive Forum, but also to wider audience (email, CoEs, AMOS, etc.).

Atmosphere Community Updates:
Updates from the three University nodes about Weather of the 21st Century:

  • Steve Sherwood (UNSW): Currently hiring Post-docs across 5 partner unis on:

    • Weather Systems Dynamics,
    • Climate Variability and Weather Systems,
    • Weather Systems in a Warmer World,
    • Weather Resources,
    • High-impact weather
    • Modelling Science.
      Centre will hire modelling specialists on topics of ocean, atmosphere, land, ML and AI. Positions either already advertised, or on the way to being advertised. W21C will have a modelling lead CI, who will coordinate with NRI.
  • Marty Singh (Monash): - At Monash there will be one level B and four level A post-docs. Positions close around 7th April.

    • Experiments with idealised warming / idealised SST anomalies.
    • Fine-scaled coupled interactions - one of the goals to develop a regional coupled model at high-res.
    • Energy resources - simulations to support that.


    • Moveable regional domain with variable res
    • Couple regional model
    • Implement Physics changes / experiments
    • Documentation

    Centre is focussed around ACCESS. Science drive, experiments support science questions.

  • Andrew King (Melbourne): W21C will try to run common experiments that are useful to multiple people

    Positions on High-impact weather under climate change, Tropical Variability, Coastal Wind Resources. Level B atmospheric modelling - focussed on high-resolution model development. Tropical variability position, with focus on the monsoon - high resolution tropical simulations would be particularly useful. High-impact weather - phenomena like fog, will heavily use the ACCESS model. Coastal wind resources - high resolution modelling of coastal processes, including high-resolution coupling.

    Question: Will there be a process to become an affiliate, for those who are not CIs?

    • Students can get involved in some aspects of the centre, even if not supervised by CI in the centre.
    • Opportunity for others to become AIs / PIs.

Storage and Compute resources for Atmosphere WG

  • Compute: We have 875 KSUs for Q2/2024. Submit on the Forum.
    Please make a topic on Forum to apply for KSUs → see How to Apply for Atmosphere WG Resources post for guidance.

  • Storage: ACCESS-NRI has storage available (100TB).
    Move towards storage in experiment folders, instead of data being stored in people’s personal directories. Working group storage is temporary, until data is published.

Next Atmosphere WG meeting:

  • Trial a fixed meeting time slot: Wednesday 2-3pm (Monthly)
  • Next meeting end of April / early May (TBC)

Joint meeting between Forecasting & Prediction, and Atmosphere working groups
8 May 2024
Chaired by Kim Reid
27 participants from both WGs, full range of institutes

Debbie Hudson (BoM), F&P WG overview
Intro to F&P working group: data assim, seasonal prediciton, machine learning, for forecasting modelling - activities not currently supported by NRI
Key activities:
Identify how NRI could support DA and ML in the future
Use F&P to bring together community working on ML for modelling and prediction
Scope interest in community usage of ACCESS-S. Started running training on ACCESS-S
Keen to hear feedback comments on how NRI could support ML and AI

You can also provide input/comments by reply on the Hive document, or in track-changes in the google doc: How ACCESS NRI could support ML/AI - Google Docs

Charmaine (BoM), Atmos WG overview
Intro Atmos WG: goal is to establish and support a community, identifying areas for collaboration
Yi Huang (UniMelb), overview of uni research
Matt Woodhouse (CSIRO), overview of CSIRO research

Martin Dix (CSIRO, NRI), Single Column Model
SCM has full UM physics, not UKCA (UKCA require advective tendencies of all the species. Could perhaps be derived from the UM)
runs from rose/cylc like full model
easy to run debugger, fast, netcdf output
ideal platform for developing and testing code
Bethan White (BoM): development example using SCM to test a sea breeeze parameterisation
Charmaine: SCMs have also proven to be really useful for explaining different cloud feedbacks across climate models

Calum Knight (UTas)
Introduction to EMC2, an open-source ground-based lidar and radar instrument simulator and subcolumn generator for large scale models
now able to use with ACCESS / UM
Aiming to lodge back into repository so that it will be much easier to use with UM output

Discussion – find collaborations between groups
Craig Bishop – any interest in developing a TL or adjoint model?
Kim – could EMC2 be useful for estimating rainfall over Southern Ocean, where there are sparse observations? Sonya – yes, that’s one of the objectives. Yi – rainfall relatively easy, mixed phase is daunting

EMC2? How easy is it to learn how to use?
Took Calum a few months, creating model class was biggest task.

Bethan – COSP available in UM, very useful package

Julie – how does DA benefit non-direct users of DA? Outside of Bureau there is no capacity for using DA. Running models from observed initial conditions would be valuable

Matt: Newtonian relaxation available in AM2/CM2, and also RNS. Can be used to provided initial conditions to atmospheric simulations

Chun-Hsu has spectral nudging working in UM

Heidi: think about possibilities for sessions around NRI annual meeting in September

Charmaine: don’t forget to register for Momentum workshop


Atmosphere WG Meeting 12.06.24 minutes

Presentation from Matt Woodhouse - Regional simulations with aerosols

  • Work to develop a modelling system to simulate and understand impacts of marine cloud brightening (injection of sea salt aerosol into the atmosphere to increase cloud cover and reduce surface shortwave radiation and hence surface warming)
  • Have set up the Regional Nesting Suite (RNS) to run with GLOMAP-mode. The suite runs an N216 global model simulation to provide the nested regional domains with the LBCs. The global model is nudged to ERA-5. The first large domain is 20km resolution and is running with the RAL3 configuration, noted that this is not designed for 20km resolution. And then another 4km smaller nested domain.
  • Have “coupled” the RNS to EMS, an ocean model with biogeochemistry. The “coupling” is offline and involves running the atmosphere and ocean models uncoupled for a day, and then sharing the different models’ forcing data.
  • A case was shown where increasing sea salt aerosol did have a response in the model.
  • Discussion covered the need to assess simply turning on the convection scheme with it’s default settings in the regional model configuration that does not use the convection scheme. For this modelling application where the focus is on clouds, the impact of the convection scheme is likely to be significant. Also discussed how coral stress can be reduced by dimming clouds without needing to have a large impact on cooling ocean temps.

Presentation from Martin Dix - Ancillary files

  • Ancillary files, with static or time varying, get added to the initial conditions through the reconfiguration
  • There is new code for the ancil generation ANTS, but some ancils are still produced using the older code CAP
  • Master files are available for present day and at different resolutions
  • Ancil generation is not simply interpolation to the required grid, but there are many changes that are needed and performed for consistency and this is done with the ANTS/CAPS software
  • Coupled model must have same mask for atmosphere and ocean, start with ocean and interpolate to atmosphere
  • Need to be careful producing ancillary files for high resolution grids, e.g. no Port Philip Bay in ~10km global model mask
  • Apart from observational datasets, some ancils come from UM runs or ERA5, e.g. aerosol climatologies come from climate runs
  • Standard locations for ancil master data on gadi, work in progress to organise the ESM1.5 and CM2 ancils
  • Modifying ancils, need to be careful with ensuring everything matches, mule and ANTS much better tools than those available in the past

Heidi - Experiment proposals for next quarter and ACCESS-NRI Workshop

  • Start a New Topic in the Atmosphere Experiment sub-category and it will automatically populate the topic with a template. Have a look at previous proposals to see the level of detail required.
  • Please think about breakout session topics for ACCESS-NRI Workshop and reply to email sent today.
  • Will have a working group meeting on Thursday 5th September. Half day meeting, half day tutorial probably on RNS

Charmaine - Bureau Convective Scale Workshop

  • Poster abstract submission will open late next week for the in-person poster session


  • Sonya mentioned would be good for the ACCESS-NRI to develop tools to postprocess model output and provide training
  • Yi mentioned evaluation tools and the desire to have these tools that people have and will develop as part of a shared resource
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Atmospheric WG meeting 24/07/2024 minutes

1. Processing AUS2200 output using ACCESS-MOPPeR (Paola)

Version stable from next week

Documentation at Starting with MOPPeR — ACCESS-MOPPeR 0.1 documentation

Require two steps:

  1. Creating mapping file (csv file with names of CMIP style variables, matched to name of variable in UM output.

  2. Run the post-processing

.yaml file - enter details about the model simulations, job submission details and global attribute details

Why do we need to post-process?

  • to get meaningful variable names
  • to put everything on the same grid
  • to prepare data to publish
  • to reduce the amount of files you’re keeping
  • to get pressure levels
  • to define new derived variables etc.

What does CMORise mean?

  • Tool used to post-process CMIP data, forcing data to their standard, with precise axis definitions etc.
  • What you need to do for things like CMIP6, CORDEX etc.

Will the .yaml files be the same for every model run?

  • Variable list might be mostly the same if you’re using the same model - may be able to use the same mapping if the experiments are basically the same setup.
  • Only takes 10 seconds to run on Gadi.
  • More complex process is adding extra mappings etc.

Does it also handle the raw UM output (pp files)?

  • No
  • You can add a step to include most of what the archiver does to output netcdf from the experiments.
  • It would be useful if Dale’s code from AUS2200 that does this be ported to different UM regional versions. Code to do this is in suiteID: U-cs142. Note creation step and verification step. Using UM2NetCDF4.

Does it work on the ocean?

  • Yes, it should

Does it handle odd dimensions (eg. AOD has 7 levels)?

  • Possibly. Send Paola more details.

All the tables / mappings are on the website

Most recent documentation

2. Do we want an atmospheric model catalogue? (Navid)

Info from Navid about COSIMA cookbook

  • develop configs
  • analysis, science (main)
  • perturbation runs
  • run global ocean models

“My coding efforts have lasting impacts and help others move forward!”
→ Share code, notebooks, etc
→ Cookbook is collection of curated and well documented notebooks

“Let the intake catalogue and model simulations unite us!”
Everything is on a git-hub, including documentation and examples. Cosima-recipes.
How would this look for the atmospheric model?
Sample intake catalogue for AUS2200

How are students / people new to coding encouraged to feel confident to contribute?

  • focus on friendly community
  • encouraged to make small contributions at first - eg post a question
  • at the latest hackathon, tutorials at different levels from beginners to advanced users were held, including how to make pull requests etc. Students gradually become familiar with it, discussing things publicly

Intake catalogue - added builder class to make it easier to add more things int.

ACCESS-NRI has someone new starting to work on intake catalogue. If you have model output that you would like to catalog with intake, please get in touch.

3. WG compute resources user report (Sonya)

Doing big evaluation of ACCESS-AM2 model. CCNs are not well representing in models - impacts radiation and precipitation in southern ocean. Data from 7 voyages in Southern Ocean.

Taken all CCNs and compared with ACCESS model running with aerosol model. ACCESS-CM2 but without ocean (prescribed SSTs).

Eight experiments. Experiments re-run with ACCESS-NRI compute due to problem with DMS climatology in anciliary files in initial runs.

Results: CCN captured well at Kenanook/Cape Grim, but poor elsewhere.

To be presented at ACCESS-NRI workshop in more detail.

4. BoM R&D workshop (Charmaine)

Registrations nearly at capacity, can still register for online attendance

5. ACCESS-NRI workshop (Heidi)

Abstract submission closes this weekend. Please submit your abstract! Next meeting of this group will be at the workshop.

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Atmosphere WG Annual Meeting minutes 5/9/24

Science talks

  • Christian Jakob: Atmospheric modelling needs to build the weather-climate bridge

    • 21st Century Weather Research Program - atmospheric modelling needs
    • Weather systems science needs models and obs
    • Higher resolution GCMs shown to better represent trends and SST warming patterns
    • Need a 25km global model (resolution sits in between coupled NWP and seasonal)
    • Need a large domain ~5km convection permitting model
    • Discussed links between climate drivers and weather systems, and the need for higher res models to better represent the associated weather and forcings such as topography
    • Need a 1km Australian model
    • Need LES resolution relocatable small-domain model
    • Qs: Need to move on from AUS2200, great start but have other needs and want more flexibility for running different domains and resolutions. Noted that the regional nesting suite can do what is needed, seems like education and training is the key thing missing rather than developing the technical infrastructure
  • Shaun Cooper: ACCESS-AE: a national, km-scale numerical weather prediction ensemble system

    • Introduction to ensemble science and the motivations for running ensembles to quantify uncertainty
    • ACCESS-AE: 12 members, 2.2km resolutions, RAL3.2, 48 hour forecasts
    • Perturbations from IC, LBC, physics parameters
    • Dec 10 - 17 2023 trial to test developments to the random parameter scheme, TC Jasper, fog, fire weather, tornado, heavy rainfall
    • Fractions skill score to assess ensemble precipitation performance, ACCESS-AE precip compared to GPM shows good skill and the new random parameter scheme is marginally more skilful for small rain accumulations with an increase in skill at higher rainfall accumulations
    • Spread/skill relationship for near surface fields, temp and winds, new random parameter scheme shows better spread/skill relationship with the increase in spread greater than the increase in RMSE
    • Qs: ACCESS-TC model could be replaced with a larger domain ACCESS-AE, the current domain is not large enough. FSS is state of the art metric to assess spatial performance and spread/error shows that the ensemble is under spread, as are all convective scale ensembles, limit of running members is compute resources. Note that ACCESS-AE is a research system running at NCI using the regional ensemble nesting suite (same functionality as the regional nesting suite so you can run any domain at any resolution with multiple nests).
  • Mathew Lipson: A BARRA-R2 driven Regional Nesting Suite

    • Suite to assess JULES changes on 12km resolution GAL9 regional climate simulations
    • IC and LBC provided by BARRA-R2 with frames on disk, daily updating SST from ERA5
    • Ran through the tasks in the suite and compute requirements
    • 13 month simulation completed compared near surface temperature to AWS and BARRA-R2, not as accurate
    • Specific humidity also not as accurate as BARRA-RS but clearly not expected to be
    • Rainfall has a different pattern and biases compared to BARRA-R2
    • Can set up a smaller nested region, e.g. 1.5km, since this is the nesting suite
    • 12km model is cheap to run compared to convective scale national models
    • Discussed outstanding technical issues and whether the community is interested
    • Qs: Rainfall bias from tropical Australian variability, benefits of comparing driving data ERA5 and BARRA-R2 would be interesting particularly given the issues with land initialisation, no evaluation of land surface from 13 month simulation yet
  • Thi Lan Dao: Joint modulation of coastal rainfall in Northeast Australia by local and large-scale forcings: Observations versus AUS2200 simulations

    • Coastal rainfall affected by both local variability and large scale climate, aim to understand the interactions between these
    • Using AUS2200 as need km-scale model to represent local processes, ERA5 with BARRA-R2 soil moisture
    • 3 MJO events, 180 days
    • Compared simulations to radar derived rainfall, captures the coastal rainfall reasonably well so the model is a viable tool to understand the processes responsible for generating the rainfall patterns
    • Analysed vertical cross-sections to understand off-shore/onshore rainfall propagation, noted the role of the sea breeze and density current in the lowest levels as well as the background wind
    • For rainfall over land, convergence of sea breeze and westerly winds
    • Limited samples to fully understand scale interactions
  • Claire Vincent/Andrew Brown: ACCESS modelling for coastal processes

    • Planned activities: coastal winds, using high res models to understand BL structure
    • Motivation: wind farms and the need for more energy when solar stops for the day
    • Assessed diurnal cycle of wind from BARRA for 3 regions coast, off shore, inland
    • Night time peak in wind inland, daytime complex orography, night off shore
    • Assessed winds at Gippsland where Australia’s first off shore wind farm will be located
    • Variability of winds translates into large changes in wind power
    • Sea breezes in the UM have been assessed in various studies in various regions, as turbines are at ~300m really need to understand the vertical structure of the sea breeze, BARRA at 12km looks good
    • Also looking at diurnal cycle of convective gusts to understand wind variability
    • BARPA-R vs BARPA-C demonstrated the need for km-scale models to capture high winds
    • Science questions: role of sea breezes in modulating off shore winds, are there strategic locations for wind energy that would help balance power demand, role of SST gradients and coastal land, can those processes be resolved in high- resolution coupled models
    • Qs: Will look at more than Victorian coastline but around the country, higher density of vertical levels in the model BL would be useful - note that this is what the UM vertical levels sets do, how well are downdraft gusts represented - we know that 4km model looks much better than 12km


Reference datasets

  • Update from ACCESS-NRI (Clare Richards)

  • ACCESS-NRI has NCRIS funding for storage of community reference data sets

  • Datasets that are accessible, trustworthy and (re)useable

  • High level process described includes review, prioritise, propose, approve, release, maintain

  • Atmosphere WG requests grouped into different data sources

  • Scott noted that any data sets from the Bureau at NCI that are useful for the community should be flagged, as discussions about NCI maintaining data sets are occurring

  • Total storage available to ACCESS-NRI 600TB, looking to expand

  • Takes a lot of effort to document and curate data so want to understand what the community highest priorities are

  • WG needs and priorities

    • Discussion on Group 2 data
    • Matt on ERA5 processed data for nudging, needed for composition modelling, 3 people currently using this plus 2 more soon. Want the full time series, question about the temporal resolution required. Can’t use the NCI ERA5 data. Bec has scripts, they want ACCESS-NRI to develop their scripts and take over the data curation and management.
    • Sonya on SST ancillary file data, needed for AMIP runs using CABLE, uses Met Office data but processed onto grid for ACCESS AMIP.
    • Chermelle on OSTIA SSTs, OSTIA is high resolution so would be useful for AUS2200 and km-scale models rather than using ERA5.
    • Yi on GPM, AGCD, Bureau AWS. GPM is possibly supported already by Paola. AGCD useful for land WG too. Up to date data required (3 months ideally), but that means working with the Bureau who generate the data and updating takes a lot of effort. Bureau station data needed for high temporal resolution model assessment - think the community needs to be clear about what they want e.g. temporal resolution as there is 1 min data available for some stations, what time period, etc.

Atmosphere Cookbook (Heidi)

  • Navid has helped setup a GitHub repository with some Atmosphere ‘recipes’ to analyse model output
  • Collated on the Atmosphere-Cookbook Github repo to share and document resources with community
  • The cookbook uses ACCESS-NRI Intake Catalogue to load data (e.g., currently from Aus2200 and CMIP6 data)
  • Anyone can contribute (or get help) by opening a new Github issue
  • Went through the repository, showed Chris’s recipes to produce plots, went through an example to show how to modify to read in different data, variables, etc
  • Yi and Chris note that they think this will be useful to help new users get started
  • Emma asked whether this will be compatible with ESMValTool or other existing community tools, which was noted would be good but ESMValTool uses its own ecosystem but could be some similarity with some recipes
  • Paul asked about the scope, COSIMA does produce publication quality figures
  • Clare noted that this could provide information about what datasets are being used
  • Matt asked about data ingestion. Heidi noted that you can only use this through the ACCESS-NRI Intake Data Catalogue, but as Matt pointed out there is a need for quick looks of lots of experiments that won’t go into the intake catalogue. Needs a data ingestion script that doesn’t use intake catalogue - what data format, UM file or netcdf, most users only look at netcdf model data.
  • Discussion about data conversion, many existing tools.
  • Should we have an Atmosphere Cookbook Hackathon?
  • How is attribution of contributions acknowledged?
  • You can add your model data to ACCESS-NRI Intake Catalogue, which is used to load data for the Cookbook recipes. Sonya Fiddes is keen to contact ACCESS-NRI to do this.