Dear Community,
I am trying to map the net precipitation into the ocean. Does anyone know how ACCESS-CM interpolates the precipitation into the ocean grid? Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind regards,
Dear Community,
I am trying to map the net precipitation into the ocean. Does anyone know how ACCESS-CM interpolates the precipitation into the ocean grid? Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind regards,
Hi Estanisloa
Assuming we are talking about ACCESS-CM2, coupling fields (incl precipitation) are remapped using a first-order conservative remapping. The fields are transferred between the atmosphere and sea-ice components first, and then the sea-ice model captures any precipitation over sea-ice and passes the remainder to the ocean component. There are some details of this in the Bi et al 2020 paper.
If you are looking at raw MOM output, it might be the ‘lprec’ and ‘fprec’ fields for liquid and solid precipitation respectively. If you are looking at CMIP6 fields, I am not sure what the field would be called (pr
includes precipitation over all land/ ocean / sea ice ).
Hi Anton,
thank you so much for your reply. It helps a lot. If the precipitation falls on the seaice, do you know if the model has a threshold of ice concentration for leakage or I should do something like pr*(1-sic)? Thanks again for your help.
Kind regards,
I don’t think CM2 has a mechanism for drainage through sea-ice, it’s just freeze/melt. So correcting for ocean_area fraction will give precipitation entering the ocean. (Noting there is also runoff, melt, freezing, evaporation etc which transfer in/out of the ocean).
Oh pr
will be saved on the atmosphere grid, and siconc
will be on the ocean grid, so doing that calculation is not straightforward.
Hi Anton,
you are right, thats why I was asking about the remapping. I have used cdo to conservative remap the pr into the ocean. The comparison revealed about 2% of monthly bias.
The comparison revealed about 2% of monthly bias.
bias compared to what ?
I computed the total flux into the ocean so sum(pr x areacella x ocemask) and sum(pr_remap x areacello x mask). Then i used the ration between these two.