UM partnership Mule repository and working practices

The MOSRS repository for Mule and its NCI mirror are:

$ fcm kp | grep mule
location{primary}[mule.x] =
location{primary}[mule.xm] = file:///g/data/ki32/mosrs/um/mule

The Mule working practices as documented by the UK Met Office are at

The next Mule milestone and its assoicated Trac tickets are at

See also the note at which says:

It looks like some pythonlib/* modulefiles have been migrated to Gadi contrary to the impression that NCI will not support them

  • For example, there is the installation, pythonlib/mule/2019.01.1 which contains Mule-related tools. nwptools_py2/201911 also contains Mule-related tools.
  • In the interest of reducing the overhead resulting from duplication we should coordinate with CSIRO and CLEX in managing these tools. Perhaps Milton should initiate a discussion with Martin and Scott in early 2020

While I was at NCI, I helped to catalogue the pythonlib and related /g/data/access modules, including pythonlib/mule and pythonlib/umfile_utils.

See also for a less up-to-date public repo.

Conda recipe at (version 2022.07, used in hh5 conda) and (version 2023.08, used in /g/data/access/ngm modules)

The bare pythonlib modules should not be used as they can have dependency conflicts, use a conda environment instead.

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