Upcoming ESIP webinar: "Making Sausage: How and why open source scientific software gets made - and what keeps us from making more"

FYI - an upcoming ESIP webinar that may be of interest. Details below.
(And if you don’t want to stay up late to watch, their webinars are recorded and shared here).

Dear colleagues-

Please join the ESIP Open Science cluster for our next monthly webinar on Tuesday 17th October at 12pm ET (please note the date change).

Michael Mahoney, State University of New York College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry, will present " Making Sausage: How and why open source scientific software gets made - and what keeps us from making more ". Mike’s talk will cover the human dimensions of open source development, how developers, users, and institutions interact with each other, and how to make open source scientific software more sustainable in years to come. More information and connection details are available on the ESIP Community Calendar. ESIP Community Calendar (esipfed.org)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 817 0425 4783
Passcode: 784237
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+19292056099,81704254783# US (New York)
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