ACCESS-ESM1.6 development

Hi @cbull , I can make Tuesdays at 9:45am.

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I wont be able to make a couple of those Tuesday morning meetings at 9.45 I have clashing workshop next week and one in November as well.

I can now make Tuesday 15th, 9.45 the organisers have shifted the times of the clashing workshop sessions.

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For the weekly “standup” @cbull , are you intending it to be ocean only or for everything in ESM1.6?

@clairecarouge for now we’re thinking ocean only but expect it to evolve as needs permit. I think it’s good to keep the meetings short and very focused. We really want to provide what nri-expertise is needed for code to be traceable on GitHub towards the upcoming release.

Thanks everyone. We have our first stand up tomorrow! Planned attending: @sofarrell @RachelLaw @anton @Aidan @harshula @pearseb.

As they are very short, it really helps to have an agenda / list of questions coming from the CSIRO side. It also means I can make sure the relevant expertise is available.

@sofarrell, what would you like us to work on tomorrow? You can pop your questions here* / send to me via email (

*editable by anyone

I’ll chair tomorrow and keep some brief minutes from the meeting which will be posted here.

@dhb599, are you able to make it tomorrow? Would be really useful I think.

Zoom meeting link

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Do we need a meeting link? Or am I missing a subtlety about how a ‘standup’ works?

Excellent point @RachelLaw !

Here’s a zoom link. Added above too.

Update: just sent a calendar invite.

Meeting minutes notes are here. Please correct/update as needed.

@clairecarouge, Rachel suggested a similar meeting for cable would be great. Perhaps you’d like to discuss with her how that can work?

On action (@sofarrell @RachelLaw @anton @Aidan @harshula @pearseb @paulleopardi, please pursue as appropriate, and provide updates in this thread) items:

    1. @cbull to follow up with Claire Carouge regarding a similar meeting for land work.
  1. @anton / @Aidan / @paulleopardi to get status update with cice code being available to csiro on github. LINK
  2. @cbull to follow up with having an offline meeting with @dhb599 after his travel (next week), with the idea that the meeting results in @dhb599 ocean code being on github.
  3. @sofarrell and @dhb599 to have an in person meeting to discuss github workflows.
  4. @cbull will send out a reoccurring invite for the next meeting .

Apologies for the delay - the CICE branch used for CM2 is now at GitHub - ACCESS-NRI/cice5 at cice_gsi8.1

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Amazing, thanks @anton. I’ve striked off this item^ and added an item to tomorrow’s agenda for the TWG meeting in the instance where @sofarrell makes it.

@dhb599 / @sofarrell I’d suggest working off a fork-then-clone of this repo’ rather than a straight-clone, please get in touch if you’d like some tips on this.

Thanks Anton and Chris, I might be a bit late for the TWG meeting as there is a clashing meeting where ‘Luke’ is talking so I better attend that first. Even though I know the material its on Noah’s recent paper, so can this agenda item be near the end of TWG.

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Sorry, I missed the meeting invitation here. I generally respond better to calendar invitations via email. Where can I find the calendar invitation for this meeting?

@paulleopardi, thanks for following up. Anton has shared the relevant code on GitHub, so your input for the moment is (welcome but) not needed. Feel free to remove yourself from this thread and I’ll ping you again if something comes up.

Reminder, we have a planned stand up tomorrow. Suggested people include: @sofarrell @RachelLaw @anton @pearseb.

As these are very short, it really helps to have an agenda / list of questions coming from the CSIRO side. It also means I can make sure the relevant expertise is available.

@sofarrell and @dhb599, are you able to make it tomorrow? What would you like us to work on? You can pop your questions here* / send to me via email (

*editable by anyone

As last time, I’ll chair tomorrow and keep some brief minutes from the meeting which will be posted here .

Zoom meeting link

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Great to chat to you this morning at the standup @sofarrell @anton @tiloz

Meeting minutes notes are here , this is an editable post so please correct/update as needed.

See you next week!

Ah! I thought this was cancelled for some reason… See you next week.

@sofarrell has mentioned there’s a holiday tomorrow so I suggest we cancel this meeting.

Unless anyone says they’d like to meet…?

@sofarrell @dhb599 @Aidan great to catch up today regarding getting Dave’s code on GitHub.

Please note minutes are now up here. Please edit/amend as appropriate.

Note the agreed next actions:

-Dave Bi will try to reset password (suggest username of either davebi or DaveBi) and then push the changes we discussed. See suggested links below.
-Dave Bi will then copy in changes that he’s made to the repository and repeat the above process to push them onto GitHub, he will notify us or let us know if he has any trouble.