ESM Working Group Announce 2023 (Archived)

Reminder: ESM Working Group Meeting

This is a reminder the next ESM Working Group meeting is on Thursday 7th of December at 1:00pm (2023-11-23T02:00:00Z).

I am sending this early as I will be away all next week.


1. Admin

  • First meeting of 2023 will be February 1st.
  • We have a volunteer for a talk for the first meeting in February (Francois Delage). Would be good to have at least one more speaker for mid February locked in before break.

2. Shared experiments/ACCESS-NRI resources

3. Science talk
@jemmajeffree: “Using model analogues to determine the impact of various ocean basins on ENSO”

4. Status of ACCESS-ESM Paleoclimate configuration
What is status of @dkhutch’s attempts to make an ACCESS-ESM1.5 Miocene configuration? What are the remaining blockers? @MartinDix plans to join to discuss.

5. What’s going on?

Connection details

Zoom: Launch meeting

Additional information

The ESM Working Group About topic has links to all the important information: calendars, asking for working group resources, sharing experiments and tips for using the forum effectively.

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