Reminder: ESM Working Group Meeting
This is a reminder the next ESM Working Group meeting is on Thursday 7th of December at 1:00pm (2023-11-23T02:00:00Z).
I am sending this early as I will be away all next week.
1. Admin
- First meeting of 2023 will be February 1st.
- We have a volunteer for a talk for the first meeting in February (Francois Delage). Would be good to have at least one more speaker for mid February locked in before break.
2. Shared experiments/ACCESS-NRI resources
- ACCESS-NRI Merit Allocation guidelines have been released
- ESM project
been well utilised by @eunpalim and @gpontes. Extra compute resource have been transferred tolg87
, but/scratch
storage is almost exhausted - Status of @eunpalim’s Triple La-Nina experiment
- Status of @gpontes experiment
- Three more proposed Experiments (@wghuneke, @tammasloughran, @gpontes)
- Any more proposals for shared experiments for next quarter? See guidelines for how to do this. First meeting is in February, so not much time to organise to utilise resources.
3. Science talk
@jemmajeffree: “Using model analogues to determine the impact of various ocean basins on ENSO”
4. Status of ACCESS-ESM Paleoclimate configuration
What is status of @dkhutch’s attempts to make an ACCESS-ESM1.5 Miocene configuration? What are the remaining blockers? @MartinDix plans to join to discuss.
5. What’s going on?
Connection details
Additional information
The ESM Working Group About topic has links to all the important information: calendars, asking for working group resources, sharing experiments and tips for using the forum effectively.
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