ESM Working Group Meeting
This is a reminder the next ESM Working Group meeting is [date=2024-12-05 time=13:00:00 timezone="Australia/Canberra"]- When: 05/12/2024 13:00 to 05/12/2024 14:00
- Zoom Meeting Link
1. Admin
- This will be the final meeting of the year, with a pause in meetings until early February 2025.
- Science presentations: Consider contacting the co-chairs or @spencerwong if you have any work you would like to present next year. Please consider presenting, even work in progress that you’d like some feedback on.
- Remember to add any items you want this WG to discuss to ideas for topics
2. Shared experiments/ACCESS-NRI resources
- ESM project
has used 485 KSU of its 875 KSU allocation for this quarter./g/data
storage has grown to 43TB - Any more proposals for shared experiments for next quarter? See guidelines for how to do this.
3. CMIP7 fast track discussion
- @RachelLaw will lead a session on the CMIP7 Fast Track, as part of a regular series occurring every second meeting. These sessions will involve updates on the model development, spin up, and test simulations and will be an opportunity for the community to provide feedback.
4. What’s going on?
- Any other business? Any news to share? Ideas for experiments and collaborations?