ESM working group: Meeting notes 2024

Date: 28/03/2024

Participants: 13

Apologies: @eunpalim @ShayneM @dkhutch

Chair: @tiloz


1. Admin

We have no speakers lined up for our next meeting or any subsequent meetings. Please volunteer to speak. Message @Aidan to discuss.

@tiloz Please advertise and invite people to talk. Particularly early career researchers.

@Dietmar_Dommenget can talk about change land-sea mask results with GFDL model. Might be able to talk about the ACCESS equivalent in May.

Remember to add any items you want this WG to discuss to ideas for topics

@tiloz SAC Meeting last week. All SAC meeting notes are publicly available on website slightly delayed.

@tiloz Will be ACCESS-NRI Workshop in September (2nd-5th). Also a COSIMA workshop beginning of July. Might reduce attendance to workshop. Call for people to join workshop program committee. Structure still to be decided.

Progress towards CMIP7 and model development plans. Largely on-track. Fast track timeline very challenging.

CMIP7 Hackathon hands-on meeting to evaluate ACCESS model output using ESMValTool and iLamb. Good intro and setup. Overview of existing recipes, look at what is required. May be a follow up at the workshop.

@LaurieM Would be good to have someone from ESM WG involved. @dkhutch and @wghuneke did it last year. Can be anyone, ECR or senior scientist.

2. Shared experiments/ACCESS-NRI resources

ESM project lg87 underutilised. 195KSU remaining out of 405KSU grant (rest reallocated to other projects). 30TB our of 100TB used of quota on /g/data/

@tiloz storage allocation is short-term for duration of experiment. Need to have a long term plan for where it will reside.

@clairecarouge presented plan to manage lg87 /g/data storage. Easier to manage storage if people write into a specific location for an experiment. Experiment folder created, can work however you want underneath.

Do want to have some data folders for slightly longer term storage. Would need to be of use to the community and decided by the working group.

To help with organisation will have a writer group, only those who are members can write by default. Others can only write to their own experiment folders to prevent data loss.

Was hoping to be ready for Q2, not quite ready yet. All admins will have write access to all data to enable clean-up.

Writer group will be some ACCESS-NRI, and hopefully some from community who want to be involved. Won’t be a large workload. No previous knowledge required.

Please put your experiment proposals on the hive. Great opportunity to access NCI compute resources. See guidelines for how to do this.

David (@dkhutch) and Dietmar (@Dietmar_Dommenget) are running experiments under lg87. @Dietmar_Dommenget: Running 4x400 CPU experiments. First test runs to confirm results obtained from GFDL model. Idealised ocean basin configurations. Seems to be working. Will do at least 15 experiments. Roughly 1MSU. Need to run 100 years. About ENSO. First 50 years trending. Changed ocean basin sizes. Used GFDL model. Submitted paper with interesting El Niño. Wanted to do with low-res ACCESS model. @dkhutch has looked at similar problems. Managed to run Miocene configuration in ACCESS-ESM1.5. Also testing with no continents in tropics, 1, 2 or 3 oceans basins. Only managing 10-15 model years/day.

@tiloz do current model proposals meet needs of community? Need to consult with community.

@JulieA is assistance to run models in scope for ACCESS-NRI? @clairecarouge if it is an experiment that is required for model development. Otherwise no.

@Dietmar_Dommenget new experiments should have ACCESS-NRI input. Learn what users are struggling with. More than providing CPU time. Particularly novel simulations. Spending months to just move land/sea boundaries.

@LaurieM Have to be careful what we suggest. Difference between running experiments versus flexibility/application of a model. Maybe not run the experiment, but be involved in helping/documenting and moving forward. @dkhutch invested a lot of time in learning how to configure the model. Spread the knowledge on GitHub. Should we include someone from ACCESS-NRI. Should be able to take it and improve it. Could help in the community.

@tiloz model development requires substantial changes to the code and model configuration. Support is required.

@Dietmar_Dommenget ACCESS-NRI needs the level of knowledge that @dkhutch has developed. Will not help someone with the next problem. ACCESS-NRI should do this sort of work. These are essential skills that we need.

@JulieA where is the boundary between science and infrastructure. Can be very difficult to configure the model.

@tiloz boundary is blurry between scientific and infrastructure. @LaurieM ACCESS-NRI has quite clear definition of what is in-scope.

3. Science talk

Sebastian McKenna (@sebmckenna) presented “SST and ENSO biases in ACCESS-CM2 pacemakers”

ENSO appears to be a more dominant factor in Indian Ocean variability than Pacifici Ocean mean state.

Added SST perturbation to restoring file to create ensembles.

Just finished all ensemble members, still need to analyse it all.

Initial results:

  • IOD doesn’t change under different El Niño conditions
  • Basin wide warming more likely with EP El Niño

More analysis required. Determine if we need more ensemble members.

@Dietmar_Dommenget biases in Indian Ocean seem more important? Can’t test with this experimental setup? @sebmckenna can’t test with this pacemaker experiment.

@Dietmar_Dommenget what do biases look like? Mean state winds

Too warm if east Pacific and cool around Arabian Sea. Biases are seasonal. A lot of mean-state bias related to biases in wind.

@gpontes Have you evaluated teleconnection between ENSO and IOD in the model? Correct strength of feedback. @sebmckenna did look at this. Do have internally forced, ones that happen during ENSO and not. Gets both type of events. Model is more independent in the model.

@Dietmar_Dommenget IOD independent modes are weak, too strong in the models? Too sensitive/unstable. @sebmckenna most coupled models have overly strong IOD bias. Not due to remote teleconnections. Some problem with the Indian Ocean in the model.

@gpontes investigated Indian Ocean dynamics? @sebmckenna only looked at surface ocean/atmosphere interaction. Not looked below the surface. Would be good to investigate.

@Dietmar_Dommenget Atlantic could also play a role. Warm biases could also influence the tropics.

@sebmckenna in literature a lot more about Pacific/Indian Ocean interactions. @Dietmar_Dommenget what matters is the relative differences in biases. It might not be relevant, but if you have the setup interesting to see if Atlantic mean state has any influence.

@sebmckenna study by @dhb599 of Atlantic pacemakers didn’t look at Indian Ocean. Might be interesting to look at the data from that.

4. What’s going on?

@Aidan ACCESS-NRI ACCESS-ESM1.5 release is proceeding, but slower than hoped. Initially will target three configurations: pre-industrial control and two historical, concentration driven and emissions driven. Will consult the community in the near future about what configurations should be targeted once the intial release is done. This release is different from what is currently available as it will be a ground-up restructure of how the model is built, deployed and tested. Have developed the infrastructure with the ACCESS-OM2 release which is being finalised. Includes experiment provenance and tracking. In the medium term this will mean offering databases with experiment metadata that is searchable by anyone. Will apply the same methodology to ACCESS-ESM1.5. Configurations will use pre-built and deployed model binaries, but the system is very flexible and users in the community will benefit from the ability to easily build the model and change dependencies and model component versions easily. In addition these is an ACCESS-NRI supported model and configurations, so the community can ask for assistance. @tiloz this is very welcome for the development of future versions of ACCESS-ESM.

This is a wiki post , if you want to update any of the details in these meeting notes, or to add your own recollection of what was discussed then edit me rather than replying.