New python package for water mass transformation calculation

Henri Drake and friends (including @janzika) have developed a new python package for Water Mass Transformation Budgets, called xwmb.

The preprint describing it is here. And the code is here, including an example notebook and even an example MOM6 diag_table to output the correct diagnostics.

Henri says it is “designed to be readily adapted to output from other models such as MOM5, ROMS, MITgcm, Oceananigans, etc. If you are interested in using it for anything, I would be happy to help you get it up and running with your model output.”

Would there be any interest in having @janzika or Henri present this in a weekly COSIMA meeting?

Here’s an example application:


Thanks for the plug Adele! I confess I am not actually a developer of the software package. My contribution was really to the theory in the paper. But from what I have played with it is a great package and initiative that welcomes contributors and users.


I’m keen to hear more about it at a weekly meeting.

@adele157 - looks like you are already in touch with Henri about this. Do you want to ask him? Alternatively, I’m happy to reach out.

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An immediate possible application of this could be producing transports (mass and tracer) aligned along and across isobaths around Antarctica using the sectionate function. If it’s significantly faster than existing methods, that could be a big plus.

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Hi everyone,

I think this package could be very useful to calculate along- and across section transports, eventually possibly replacing some of the COSIMA recipes (e.g.: cosima-recipes/DocumentedExamples/Cross-contour_transport.ipynb at main · COSIMA/cosima-recipes · GitHub)

I know Henri is working on getting this on conda. It is available to download via pip. Is it possible for the CLEX CMS team to add this package to conda-unstable in the meantime, as I think it would be very helpful for Antarctic margins research especially? @dale.roberts

Hi @taimoorsohail. I’m afraid we only add packages that are available on certain conda channels. That being said, we recently published a blog post detailing how to install this exact package in a virtual environment on top of the conda/analysis3 environments: Building custom python environments on top of conda/analysis3 — CLEX CMS Blog. This was based on an example we gave another user who wanted xwmb installed. Once its on conda-forge, we’ll install it into the analysis3-unstable environment.

Edit: URL updated

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