ACCESS Workshop 2023 Chat Archive

Originally sent in ACCESS Workshop

Hello, is there somewhere we can leave physical posters for tomorrow?


Hey @Kim_Reid good question. I'll enquire.

There is a spare storage room upstairs. @rogeredberg will share the info to the training session.


Great, thanks!

+1 1

Welcome to the ACCESS Community Workshop

@kdruken is giving the intro and housekeeping talk, and the next talk is @AndyHoggANU

There is a dedicated topic for each talk. Any questions for speakers should be replies in that topic.

If you have any questions, not sure where to be, or where to ask questions please feel free to ask in this chat channel which will be actively monitored during talks

Welcome @Hallberg-NOAA to ACCESS Community Workshop.

If you have questions for Bob please reply in the topic below, and Bob has said he will be able to respond this evening when he can access his laptop

Welcome to session 2 of Day 1 of the ACCESS Workshop.

First speaker is @cnf

Please ask your questions in the topic above

@hrsdawson is up now speaking

Ask your questions for Hannah in the topic above

Thanks for the great talk @hrsdawson

Next up is @Poul

Thanks for the talk @Poul and welcome to the ACCESS and Australian science community.

Next up is @tiloz. If you have questions for Tilo please reply in the topic below

Thanks for the policy relevant and fascinating talk @tiloz

Next speaker is @debbie_h

If you have questions for Debbie please reply in the topic above

Thanks for the great overview @debbie_h

The next speaker is @chris_Rudiger

If you have questions for Chris please reply to the topic above

Thanks for great talk @chris_Rudiger.

That is the final talk for session 2. See you back here at 2pm for session 3, kicking off with @kieranricardo

Welcome back to the ACCESS Workshop, session 3!

If you have a question for @kieranricardo please reply in the forum topic above

Thanks for the great talk @kieranricardo. Now up @Christian_Jakob with an update on the new ARC Centre of Excellence

As always a very entertaining and challenging talk from @Christian_Jakob

And now it is Yue Sun from NCI on the plans for supporting new long running services.

Great talk, thanks Yue.

And now it is @JulieA. If you have questions please reply in the topic below.

Thanks @JulieA

Last talk of this session before lightning talks is @atteggiani and @Aidan (me)

Don’t forget to vote on your THREE favourite posters

And the final session of the day is starting now. Questions in the topic please.

Good morning to day 2 of the ACCESS-NRI Workshop

Today’s first talk is Isla Simpson (NCAR)

Please ask questions for the speaker in the topic above. General questions about video conferencing etc can be asked here

The next speaker is @Sanaa. Please direct questions to the speaker in this topic:

Next speaker is @Yi_Huang. As usual questions for the speaker should be a reply in the topic

Next up : @dkhutch

Please direct questions as replies in the topic below

And last speaker for session 5 is @RachelLaw. Please direct questions to the speaker as replies to this topic

Thank you to all our speakers. Time for morning tea, and from 11am it is break out sessions. See here for the 3 breakouts in session 6

The zoom link for breakouts is the same one used for this mornings session. Breakouts will use “zoom rooms” within the same zoom session. See the main topic for day zoom links

I hope everyone has found a break out session, but if you have any questions or having trouble please reply here

Welcome back to the eighth and final session of the Workshop. The topic for the first part of the session, synthesising the breakouts, is

As always, comments for the speakers should be replies to the topic

Final speaker is @AndyHoggANU to wrap up the workshop.

Please visit the topic and follow the link to the feedback survey

And that’s a wrap!