Atmosphere Working Group: Terms of Reference

Atmosphere Working Group: General Structure

The role of Working Group Chairs is to:

  1. Plan and lead Working Group meetings and workshops.
  2. Contribute to the ACCESS-NRI annual report.
  3. Act as ACCESS community leaders, especially in workshops and public forums.

The role of the ACCESS-NRI Liaison is to:

  1. Assist the Chair to run Working Group meetings and events.
  2. Monitor and coordinate resource usage.

Membership of the Working Group is open, with the structure to be determined by the Chairs and Liaison to facilitate community input and broad participation.

The meeting structure will be discussed in the upcoming kick-off meeting. These meetings will be a combination of semi-regular video meetings for sharing information and at least one in-person/hybrid workshop per year.

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Terms of Reference discussed at the first working group meeting on 17.05.2023

ACCESS-NRI Atmosphere Working Group

Terms of Reference

  • Establish and maintain regular contact between Australian researchers working with the UM.

  • Provide a forum for discussing atmospheric modelling research activities and sharing information about model configurations and experiences with the community.

  • Provide an opportunity for working group members to deliver short presentations on their atmospheric modelling work to the community.

  • Provide information about training and UM Partnership atmospheric modelling research activities to improve engagement with international research organisations using the UM.

  • Maintain a list of national atmospheric modelling research activities using the UM.

  • Review priorities of the national atmospheric modelling community to advise the ACCESS-NRI SAC on near-term and longer-term development and application needs.

  • Recommend key datasets that are needed for model inputs, and observations and tools/techniques required for model evaluation.

  • Manage the computational resources allocated to the working group by designing ACCESS atmospheric model experiments.

  • Participate in the annual ACCESS-NRI Community Workshop

Frequency of Meetings

Virtual meetings every month with an in-person/hybrid 1-2 day meeting at the annual ACCESS-NRI Community Workshop.