ESM Working Group Announce 2023 (Archived)

Reminder: ESM Working Group Meeting

This is a reminder the next ESM Working Group meeting is tomorrow, Thursday 17th of August at 1:00pm (2023-08-17T03:00:00Z).


  1. Admin: Volunteers for science talks needed. We have a speaker for 31st August but not beyond. There is a topic to reply to if you want to change the meeting time.
  2. Shared experiments/ACCESS-NRI resources: @Dietmar_Dommenget has proposed an experiment. Any other proposals for experiments? Some storage space for the working group is available on preliminary basis, but need estimate of requirements.
  3. ACCESS-NRI Workshop: Report from Organising Committee (@Aidan) and Working Group Day registrations are now open (@wghuneke)
  4. Science talk by Roman Beucher (ACCESS-NRI) “ACCESS-NRI support for Model Evaluation and Diagnostics"
  5. What’s going on?

Connection details

Zoom: Launch meeting

Additional information

Upcoming speakers

31/08: David Hutchinson


More information is available on the 2023 Workshop page.


Registrations are now closed. If you have not registered but would very much like to attend email in case some spaces become available.

ESM Working Group Day

Registrations are still open for the ESM Working Group Day:


The program has been finalised, with just some detail on talks remaining

Compute resources

The guidelines for accessing working group compute resources outline a process for deciding who gets what.

@Dietmar_Dommenget has proposed an experiment:

Sharing experiments

Sharing your experiment with the community encourages collaborations, increasing the impact of your science. You can share an experiment by starting a new topic in this sub-category

Meeting notes

Notes from the previous ESM Working Group meeting are available on the forum in this topic:

Meeting time

If the current day (Thursday) and time (1pm) does not suit you, especially if you cannot attend and otherwise would, please let us know in this forum topic

If there is enough interest in changing the meeting time we will create some polls to find a slot that suits more of the community.


Subscribe to the ESM Working Group calendar in your favourite calendaring app:

  1. ESM Working Group Meeting Calendar feed (right click on the link and copy the URL)
  2. Subscribe to the calendar in your calendar application

Using the forum

There are three short videos on the forum about using the forum:

  1. How to navigate the forum
  2. How to watch a topic to get updates
  3. How to create a topic

As well there are a number of other knowledge-base articles about using the forum.